Sunday, March 29, 2020

Shelter At Home

During this corona virus we all have developed a new vocabulary. Last year we never heard of the phrase shelter at home, social distancing or self-quarantine, or even believed that the country would rush to hoard toilet paper!!! The world changes in a blink of an eye as new and unheard-of dangers threaten all of us. Here at the park, activities were ended a few weeks ago – it almost became deserted as most folks did not get out and walk, ride their bikes, or cruise around in their golf carts. No more small groups of folks visiting, just enjoying each other’s company, or a cup of coffee together, or for some, happy hour on the patio. We were issued the shelter at home order on Thursday – no going out except for essential things, no groups of over 10, stay home, only one person of the family shopping at a time, long lines to the market. We went out yesterday and got everything we needed (yes, toilet paper and eggs, etc.) In the HEB grocery Store (not Wal-Mart) the shelves were stocked with everything except clearing items and Spam. Wal-Mart shelves were empty. Please shop your local stores- the bigger chains have not kept up with the demand.

We were not prepared for the shelter at home order (and we should have been) so were sort of blind sighted when it was decreed. Some of the ladies in the colonias were a bit afraid of the virus, we did not know what our restrictions were, or even if there would be food available. After making several calls we were informed that we would be able to pick up food and distribute it as long as we were not in a building and there was a not a congregation of people. With sad hearts, we canceled last week and made changes and plans for a safer and better distribution this coming Friday. There is enough produce for everyone so we will continue to serve the folks in the colonias while taking precautions. We also have received help from 2 other couples to help out, as there will not be the needed help next Friday. God always provides.

I am amazed at the many creative ways people have developed as a result of their stay at home policies. I have gotten caught up on things that needed to be done, be able to relax and do some reading (my favorite hobby) and also some baking. Let us hope that this time together as families help us to appreciate more the together time we have, bind us closer to families, but most important, give us time to read Scripture and get closer to the Lord.

Most churches are putting their service on the web – our home church in Arkansas is also doing that as well as taking the time to take communion together, from their own homes, but together as a church family. We are still able to be with Chaplain Marty Zeigler at his patio service - a few of us on his outdoor patio, exercising the rules of social distancing We sang songs of praise, listened to praise music, and fellowshipped together. Marty spoke of the world situation today, comparing it to the events of the past century - the depression, World War II, the holocaust, etc. Those folks, too, faced uncertainties of the future, but remained faithful to the Lord. We pray to the Lord because He is King of Kings, He is the King. Because of us, He was struck down – because of us and for us. In spite of this, He is still faithful and truly loves us. He never complained. In the Bible story of the eunuch and Philip, Acts 8:26-40) an Angel of God told Phillip to go to the road that lead from Jerusalem to Gaza. There Phillip went and he saw a court official of the Queen, a eunuch seated in his chariot, reading from the book of Isiah. The spirit told Phillip to go and join this man in his chariot. Asking the man if he knew what he was reading, the man answered that he wanted to know who the prophet Isiah was talking about in Scripture. Phillip began telling Him about the good news of Jesus. The eunuch believed and became immediately baptized. This chapter (Isiah 53) does tell us exactly who Jesus is and what He did for us. The Passion of Christ prays for our sin and gives us hope. He was given us a reason to live. If this present crisis does not change us, how an we look forward to a future. Instead of trying to outdo Christ (We need to tell God that we are done relying on others which is impossible) look to Him. If we look to and rely on others (doctors, the government, etc.) we will be sadly disappointed. Of course, we need to be vigilant and see doctors when we feel is necessary, but know that it is in the will of God to heal us. We need to tell Christ that we are done relying on others and are rely on Him. We will then have the peace of assurance in Christ. Share this assurance with others.

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