Sunday, June 27, 2021

Back to our Roots

We traveled back to Wisconsin on Tuesday actually making the trip in one shot this last time, but think we will make an extra stop on the way home - 13 1/2 hours is really a long haul. As we neared our sister-on-laws home, we relivd a lot of old memories - marveling at how familiar things were, but then sometimes how we could not recognize the changes. Thinking we would take a week or so to relax and re-orient was our original plan, but again, there seemed so much we wanted to do and see. We went to the neighborhood cheese factory for real Wisconsin cheese, then to the Amish Country Store to check out their homemade fare, as well as many of their stock items. Did some local grocery shipping (I forgot that everything here is a bit more expensive than in Arkansas) and bought several jars of  Milwaukee pickles that we cannot get in Arkansas, and reminisced as we drove (who lived there?, are they still around, who owns that place now?), even driving past the farm that Fred was raised on, which is no longer a farm, but has quite a few homes on the land. We visited our daughter a few miles away who lives right on a river - watching the squirrels and chipmunks being fed on her porch. We saw many deer on the roads, remembering to drive slower and be on the alert for them crossing the road. We visited Fred's cousin and husband who live nearby, going to the required Friday night fish fry with them!!!  Our niece came over on Saturday, and Sunday nephew, wife, and kids were here with us. Our sister-in-law has a soy bean field next to her home which is full of deer grazing in the evening - some beautiful bucks and does - one night there were does and babies. We wake up to the many songbirds that abound here, which is earlier than in Arkansas. It is light already at 5 AM!!!! God has created so many wonderful and beautiful creatures. It is so peaceful and relaxing that it feels almost unreal.

                                                                a field full of deer

Pastor Vance continued in the study of Colossians this morning via the internet. We relaxed at our Wisconsin "home" as we listened to running on the power of the Holy Spirit. When we come to God, we run on the power of the Holy Spirit. The way we live our  for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord's people". A mystery is a sacred secret hidden in the past and si now revealed. The people expected a military but instead they received a suffering servant,  a conquering  king who defeated Satan. Another mystery was the inclusion of others than the Jewish people with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in them, also (this was in the Old Testament). In the New Testament God has made the Holy Spirit known to all people. Christ in you which is the hope of glory. Jesus Christ was real but came to live in us. We do not live live by our own strength but through the strength of the Holy Spirit. Christ living in you helps you to endure the tough times. Al of our suffering is lacking compared to Jesus' suffering. Being a Christian doe not exempt you from trouble. Christ can help you to endure more than you thought we could endure. Christ's suffering in us gives su the power when we need it. we re lost. Christ's living in us enables us to witness boldly. We need to warn people that without Christ we are lost. Christ in us allows us to grow up in our faith. we need to live it and grow in it. Do not be lukewarm in your faith .Be firm and orderly - but not in your own strength but in the power that dwells in you.   

Sunday, June 20, 2021

A Short Breather

 Since we have been back in NW Arkansas we indeed have taken  time to take a deep breath. It still seems like we are on vacation and not really here for good. I am sure we will finally feel at home when we get settled in a home of our own. We will be leaving this next week for Wisconsin to visit friends and relatives that we have not seen in  few years. While we are there, we will attend a shower for our 9th great grand baby ( boy), spend time with our Wisconsin daughter and her husband, as well as her son who we have not seen in about 4+ years. God has truly blessed us by allowing us to return - we are just waiting with anticipation to see what plans He has for our future 

While in NW AR, we attended a softball game of our great grand daughter, Brielle. She really does a great job, even made 2 points for her team! She is so full of energy and enthusiastic all the time. We also took our two great granddaughters to supper a their favorite Mexican restaurant.  It seemed like we wanted t do everything that we had missed for the many years we were in S Texas.

Concentrating on catching

her teammates - a bunch of really competitive girls - Brielle is in the front row on the left

Do you ever think of why God created the earth and all the amazing creatures in it?? It was for God but also for man's enjoyment, for us to see and enjoy. Our daughter's home is in the woods - actually not far from time but really isolated. As we were doing dishes one evening, a doe and her fawn were in the backyard for a long time. The fawn would scamper and run around the yard, while Mom quietly munched on the fresh, green grass. Almost every evening at least two racoons come up on the porch to enjoy the treats left there for them. Last night a lonely possum ventured up to also partake of the food. 

                                       Momma and baby - our son-in-law named COVID 21
                                                      making sure all is ok
                                this does not show up so well, but our daughter's blue/purple hydrangeas are                                                                                            beautiful. 

Saturday, two daughters, a grand daughter,  great grand daughter, and grand son's wife Page all went to get our pedicures together. These are the times that I really treasure - a time to laugh, bond, and create memories. I am especially thankful for this time together because Page is very quiet, and it gave her the opportunity to be more involved in our girl time. She became more talkative and seemed to really have enjoyed herself.  

Damaris is mentioned in the Bible in Acts 17:31. Her name means heifer, a reference to a young girl and certainly not a slang or a derogatory manner. She was a convert of Paul when he was a Mars Hill, and was perhaps a well known Athenian. Some writers say she was the wife of  Dionysius, but there seems to be no proof of that. When Paul was mocked at Athens, Damaris along with Dionysius were there, stood by him and then believed. Paul must have been overjoyed at their conversion and knew that their names were then written in the Book of Life!

Attending our home church this morning was such a wonderful feeling - seeing old friends, renewing acquaintances, and meeting new folks as we all worshipped together through song and prayer. We feel so very blessed to be a part of this church family of God. Vance continued in the Book of Colossians God told Timothy to watch his doctrine and his life. The Book of Colossians is divided into two parts - the first part is doctrine (the root of your faith) and the second part is how you behave ( the fruit of your faith). Today is no time for us to sleep because of what is happening in the world today. A spiritual war is going on. What do you believe about Jesus? Was He a mythical character or was He a real human being? the source for us to know about Jesus and to know Jesus is the Bible. "Pretend" Jesus is the one who fuels our culture today. Jesus is the only begotten Son of our Lord, born of a virgin, raised from the dead, and the only way to God out Father. The people of Colossae were defying Jesus' deity. We believe the Jesus is God in the flesh. He was 100% God, and 100% human. If you want to  know who God is, look at Jesus. He was the firstborn over creation ( firstborn in this sense means "most important").  the universe was not created for man, but for God. A nation, like man, reaps what it sows. God is the glue that keeps the world together. Without Him all things become unwrapped. Jesus is the head of the church. Why?

1) Because He is God.

2) Because He purchased the church with His own blood.   

3) He has risen from the dead to prove His authority. 

Jesus is the hope for the world. Our own sin keeps us distanced from God. We need Him every day because we all are sinners. Jesus Christ is the Lord of all.  


Sunday, June 13, 2021

Chapter One

 As we are starting a new chapter in our lives, I like to compare it to reading a novel. I love to read - I get engrossed in a book and and am excited to see what the next page or chapter will bring. I never sneak a peek at the end - I love the anticipation of what is happening next - what twist and turn in the road lies ahead. I try to figure out the the theme of the page or chapter - sometimes I am right and other time I am totally off the road I thought I was on. Does this not seem like life?? God has that total book of my life written - whenever I think I 've got it all figured out in my earthly mind I discover God has it all figured out according to His plan. As we relax here in NW Arkansas I ponder on the road ahead - but am just relying on God to lead and allow me to follow.

When we left Texas for Arkansas, we stopped at the Gees in Joshua, Texas, for a few days of relaxation and a bit of down time and a chance to take a breather. We had closed on our place in Texas, bagged and boxed hundreds of pounds of food for the colonias, met with those who are planning on taking over the ministry, packing our things, and  saying our goodbyes. It was a bittersweet time, but again, a time of great anticipation. We attended church with them on Sunday where we listen to their pastor's interpretation of Colossians. We then traveled to NW Arkansas, took a few days to try to get settled at our daughter's for the time being, putting things in storage and trying to decide what needed to be left out. We attended church at our amazing home church in Prairie Grove, when Pastor Vance proceeded to give a sermon on the exact scripture that the pastor of the Joshua church!!! It was amazing, as there were two different views of the same scripture. Of course I listened with great interest - trying to combine both messages. 

I do need to apologize for missing two weeks of my blog - hopefully all of you will again check me out every week again. We plan on staying here in NW Arkansas for a few weeks, then taking a much needed vacation to Wisconsin to visit friends and relatives, as well as attending a baby shower for our 9th great grandchild. 

This morning Pastor Vance continued our journey through Colossians, as we followed Paul's letter to     the church in Colossae - a new church. Paul was in prison in Rome, where Epaphras visited him. Paul had never been to Colossae so Epaphras related to him how the church was coming along. People there were off center - they were new Christians and needed help on how to live a Christian life. So Paul wrote them a letter and encouraged them to pray for themselves. We need to take note of Paul's message. Pray to know God's will for our lives. Be filled with the Holy Spirit - being filled means to be controlled by. We need to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, with wisdom and understanding We need to live our lives vertically - through God, and not horizontally, as through the world. It is the will of God for all men to be saved. As you walk with Him, he reveals the specific will of God. Pray to live a life worthy of the Lord - place your heart and mind on things above bearing fruit in every good work work nd knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for power of endurance and patience. Paul wrote to these people who knew that they would have a challenge. Endurance is the strength to deal with obstacles in life. (stronger longer). Patience is the wisdom to be able to deal with people in your life. Pray to never forget what God has done for you. We have been qualified to be in Christ through the things that He has done. His death and resurrection assures us of that. We have been removed from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light through Christ. 

Continuing with the ladies of the Bible, Cozbi. Her name means deceiver,  deception. She was a Midianitish woman, daughter of Zur, who was the head of a chief house in Media. Her  name was given to her because her parents were disappointed in her birth because she was a girl. Although she was a princess, her influence among the leaders was evil. She was among the group who encouraged moral and religious corruption among the Israelites. She was slain by Phinehas, son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron. She was slain by a "javelin thrust her belly. 

May all of you bask in the glow of summer - enjoying all of God's magnificent creation.