Sunday, March 15, 2020


Psalms 91:10
 “No evil shall befall me and my family, nor shall any plague come near our dwellings.”

This is just one of the many verses in the Bible that remind us that God is sovereign and in control.  People, please look at the situation and realize that this is not the time to push the panic button. Yes, there is a pandemic out there, but according to all reports, it affects only the elderly or those already with chronic issues. The media is spreading stories and we as humans, tend to believe everything that we read. Keep calm, you do not need 240 rolls of toilet paper or 10 cases of water to survive this. There are faucets and free water available everywhere. Toilet paper could be an issue – but please use your brains, conserve a bit, and rely on your faith that this, too, will pass. We went Costco to pickup Fred’s new glasses, and decided to get more bottled water (the water here in Alamo is not very good – although we have a water system filter, and use filtered pitchers), just keeping bottled water on hand as we AlWAYS do! We stood in a 200-foot line, waiting our turn to be issued the limit of 5 cases of water (which we did not take all) and the line was still forming behind. Folks were rushing and shoving to get water, begging for more than what was allotted. All of this panic is nothing that will be compared to the panic when the Chris returns!! Please, think of others, take only what you will need for 2-3 weeks – the stores will restock shelves as the only shortage is created by the people themselves. My thumbs up go to the mother in Little Rock who has a nursing baby, and is pumping more breast milk and freezing it, offering to share with anyone who cannot get formula for their child. Or those who do take their limit of items with the intention of giving it to the elderly so they do not have to get out in this out of control world today. God is on control – this will die down in time, just as the rest of the pandemics did, and in a few months, we will forget about fighting over a package of toilet paper in a store. We are humans, not animals fighting over a bone. We got through 911 in a relatively short time, we can get past this, too, with faith. Turn to God for peace and calmness.

Almost every cart looked like this

We had our last chaplain’s meeting for the season on Saturday outside under a pavilion as most of the RV parks have shut down all activities, including any gathering over 10 people. Actually, we were violation of this, but being it was outdoors it was allowed. Most of our chaplains are doing services outside, some are live streaming them on the web. A very few parks are allowing church services, though. It was a wonderful end of the season celebration, although we West Lower Valley area chaplains are having an end of the season luncheon towards the end of the month, before most of them leave for their Northern homes We also honored a chaplain couple who have served for 13 years here in the Valley. Dave Tabler has retired due to health issues. We will miss Ruthanne’s delicious cookies, although they will live here in S Texas permanently and continue to participate in CRM activities. We were overwhelmed with the generosity of RV parks where the chaplains serve as theybrought so many donations of food, clothing, and other items for the ministry. We arrived back home about 1:30 in the afternoon, and sorted and packed everything until 6 PM!! Ruthanne Tabler will be bringing items later this week – she challenged her prayer group of ladies to being one item, such as a can of beans, or a package of diapers, etc. for 40 days (the 40 days before Easter) to be donated to Caring Hearts Ministry. We are also again going to receive about 100+ small hams (like the ones we received at Christmas time. In this time of chaos, the spirit of loving your brother as yourself still abounds.

Today was the last church service at Mission Bell with Pastor Jim Maxson. He and his wife Shirley are here almost all of the time, only taking a couple of months off for vacation and family time. Jim’s message this morning focused on suffering, which was not God’s plan when He created man. But sin came into the world because of Adam and Eve. God punishes wickedness by returning it the hearts of the wicked. Children are born selfish and demanding as a result of Eve’s desire to be selfish and to want it all. Nature itself was corrupted – as we are plagued with thorns and thistles, even chiggers! I don’t believe God originally created chiggers to harass us. Suffering is actually the resistance to the will of God. Righteous suffering brings the fulfillment of God’s promise. Jesus Christ was the only true and righteous person that ever lived but He suffered the most. His suffering laid the groundwork of his death. “And we boast in the hope and glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character, hope”. Romans 5:2-4. Through suffering we will be able to attain he glory God has planned for us. Only those who know God have the privilege of suffering for Him in order to accomplish His work. You will never be alone as God is always with you. The 6 hours Jesus was on the cross changed our eternity on order to spend forever in His presence. Jesus didn’t suffer all His life but did suffer all His life for us. Suffering for Jesus does not mean giving up every thing in life you enjoy. Keep your priorities on order so you can continue to glorify the Lord. To suffer for His name is truly a blessing. We go through difficult times so we can console others who have the same troubles. Glorify the name of Jesus.

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