Sunday, March 8, 2020

The verdict

The jury has voted. The best  flavored Peeps are the Root Beet Float and the Peppermint Bark dipped in decadent Chocolate!

Today has only 23 hours as daylight savings time ha begun. I know I say this every year , but according to an pod Indian saying – “how can cutting a foot from the bottom of a blanket and sewing it to top the blanket make it any longer?”. What are we saving anyway – electricity or heat? Today was a droopy day for everyone I talked to as our inner clock was disturbed. I noticed more than a few heads bobbing in church this morning – ( wait,  yes I was paying attention to the sermon – it was during the singing and collection time).

I am always amazed at the things we receive as donations, especially from our suppliers. This week we received a large number of boxes full of large Hershey’s gold candy bars. They we outdated, but how can chocolate ever go bad??? The folks who received their baskets on Friday were truly surprised, along with the blackberries and  pineapples they also received. It is so hard to predict what we re going to receive or how much, as it seems to vary from week to week. We also got a notice from one of our supplies that they had a huge amount of Keto diet foods. I wonder where in the world do they get this stuff. I am certainly not complaining as our people get the benefit of it all. 

I am not a person who gets sick or has medical problem – in fact usually the only time I go to the doctor is for my yearly check-ups. Last week was the exception. I was slightly dizzy one day, but it soon passed and I just shrugged it off. On Wednesday I was soooo dizzy and sick to my stomach pretty much all day. Still sick in the evening when my blood pressure spiked to 189. I told Fred to take me to the emergency center nearby where I was diagnosed with vertigo and severe dehydration.  (I admit, I do not drink enough water). After a few hours, alot of praying,and fluids via IV’s, the extreme dizziness went away. I do not want to wish vertigo on my worst enemy. It is awful – the room does not stop spinning which of course makes a person ill. Needless to say, , I am drinking a certain amount of water every day, but do have to make sure I do not move too fast yet. As I said, I am not patient in being sickly. Sometimes the Lord has to shake a person up to make them understand what is best for them.

Last night we went to a fund raiser for Children’s Haven which is held every year. It is a fun time, as there are silent auction and then a live auction. I have gotten so I can tell when an item is going for a high price as the bidding gets intense and actually funny. Two ladies were bidding on a quilt, sitting right next to each other. The bidding went to $500 before it quit. I suppose folks know how much they are going to donate, and just bid up to that point. Some pies went for $200 to $300 – crazy to watch the bidding There were even pinto beans pies, which the baker assured us taste just like pecan pie. Hmmmm, I wonder?? I may try to find the recipe and try it – although I am not a pie maker at all.
This was the second to the last service at Mission Bell this season with Pastor Jim Maxson. His sermons are so down to earth and often are a great lesson for us. He incorporates the messages with Scripture to enforce the point. This morning’s sermon revolved around encouragement. We all need someone to encourage us. One little word of encouragement can help and inspire people, just as a word of discouragement can harm them for years. When we receive encouragement it means that others care about us. When we encourage someone we walk beside them, sharing their issues. Encouragement usually must be spoken. We need to communicate encouragement for it to be effective. We all look for encouragement to build us up and not tear us down. The words we choose are important – they can be helpful but also extremely harmful to others. Remember to think before you speak. Also, in today’s world we need to be careful of what we post on social media because it will be out there forever for the whole world to see. But more important, our actions need to  match our words of encouragement. We have to practice what we preach and hoe we act – random acts of kindness can change a person’s outlook on the whole day. We never know when our encouragement brings someone closer to the Lord. Encourage someone this week with a card, phone call, or just a soft, loving word.

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