Sunday, April 5, 2020


Isolation, separation, segregation, remoteness, loneliness, segregation, seclusion – these are some words that describe our world today. We are not in quarantine, but the shelter at home order is still on. Some of the cities in our area forbid more than 2 people in a vehicle at time, wearing a mask when you are out of your car or home, no traveling except for essentials. It is a different world that we live in today and these measures will be a pivotal point for the world we will live in after this is over. Just as 911 changed that way we travel – that is, more security at airports, regulations on what we can take on board with us, etc. December7, 1941, a day that will live in infamy, was a pivotal point in the way we learned to be always on the defensive of our country, the assassination of President John Kennedy was a pivotal point of how we changed the protection of our president. I am sure there were many occasions in your life that changed the way you react or act now to different situations, or even how you conduct business (perhaps your identity was stolen, etc.), even to the point of shopping online during the holiday seasons. We have definitely changed the way we do our ministry of feeding those in need. We checked with the county and are cleared to pick up and deliver food, etc. I did get authorization from CRM as Caring Hearts Ministry to be allowed to do this. We now wear masks, as do all of the ladies helping to distribute, we wear gloves, and require that those who pick up the baskets of food to stay in their cars, drive up to the distribution point where Ida takes their information and informs us how many baskets they need. Some folks are picking up for others – they have to provide those names also. We then put the baskets directly into their vehicles as they stay inside their vehicles. We have already decided that after this plague is over, we will continue to distribute this way. It allows for less confusion, and folks poking around trying to see which baskets has more food, even though everyone gets the same amount. This epidemic has called for more need for food for the family, as the kids, and sometimes the parents who work out, to remain at home and require more food. We made 138 baskets (boxes, really) of food, having to turn away 9 families. We received an overabundance of food, more than ever, but also fed more families. Even the way we pick up food has changed – only the driver, and perhaps one more person if there is another one along, can load the vehicles, we cannot park to the side after we have loaded and help the person behind us load, etc. We all need to take precautions and try to obey the rules so that this pandemic leaves our land. I have made masks for ourselves and the ladies in the colonias who help us – that is the least that I can do.

We watched Sunday morning service from our home church in Arkansas this morning online. It was wonderful to see Pastor Vance Eubanks voice and hear his encouraging voice. We are going through “The Bible”, a novel as we enter Easter week. Vance so much gets to the heart of the issue and gives us much to think about. The book of Mark clearly tells of the weeks leading up to the crucifixion. Many times, in his epistle he mentions the word immediately. Mark was there when this took place, although he did not walk with the Lord. He told the story in great detail, going at a quick pace as he says immediately many times, then quickly goes on with the story of Jesus life. But as Holy Week approached, he slowed down the story. Perhaps in order for us to stop, take a breath, and concentrate on what was really happening. When talking taking about the pivotable point in our lives, the ultimate hinge was the crucifixion. The ultimate purpose of God lead up to this day in order that His Son be crucified for our sins. Sin was cancelled, the chains of sin were broken, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from the top to bottom, in order that we would have full access to God. There is power in the cross. The truth of the cross was spoken louder than our sins, use this to slow down in time now to reflect on the life of Jesus and what it has done in our life. God had it under control then, He has it under control now. He is in control – sit back and watch Him work for mankind.

We also were able to take communion together as a church family as we quietly took communion in our own homes, together as a family of God.  

Stay safe, try to obey the rules of your community, and let God the Father take control.

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