Sunday, March 22, 2020

Tying Times

Whenever I hold back the rain or send or locusts to eat up the crops or send an epidemic on my people, if they pray to me and repent and turn away from the evil they have been doing, then I will hear them in heaven, forgive their sins, and make their land prosperous again.” 2 Chronicles 7:12-13

Australian Wildfires -rain was held back
Africa - Locust Plague
World Pandemic- COVID-19

Does this seem to be the condition of the word today? In this chaotic world we now live in, we need to turn to Scripture to ease our fears. Living in fear is not healthy – it only causes more panic and this is not new –there have been epidemics for many years – I am old enough to remember the polio scares of the 40’s. Then there was the swine flu, then the regular flu just to name a few. We as a country seem to pull out of the situations, stronger and more united than before.  Living in fear only makes the situation more intensified than before. We need to remain calm – cautious but not fearful. God has promised that He will never leave us – this too shall pass. Reread the above Scripture – and remember our world needs turn away from evil, and God will reward us.

We did get to travel to Mexico yesterday. At first it was announced that the border was closed, but then re-opened to American citizens only traveling to get medication and doctor and dentist appointments. Normally we would not have gone, but Fred’s inhalers are not covered by our insurance – so the cost is anywhere from $300-$500 each. In Mexico at the pharmacy we go to they are only $62.50!! Almost of the stores have a bottle of hand sanitizer handy for everyone. And there was plenty of toilet paper and hand sanitizer available for purchase. We made a quick trip in and out. We stopped at a vegetable market on this side of the border and bought a few veggies so we did not have to go to the already crowded stores. 

Donations to Caring Hearts Ministry have not slowed down, as a few Winter Texans are heading home (others are planning on staying here for a while) and dropping off non-perishables for the colonias. This much needed food is a blessing, as the schools are closed here and the children are home, needing more food at home. My heart breaks when the food is distributed, knowing that the families need to make it stretch until the following week. They cannot go out and hoard stuff as they no additional funds to do so. Last week we delivered a whole truck bed to be given out. So far, our suppliers have been able to keep up. We pray that our major distributor does not close. We were promised 5000 lbs. of beans, but then were told that the distributor would not part with them yet as they do not know if any more will be available. We have bagged enough right now for 2 or 3 more distributions. We had 130 families come for food on Friday- the most there has ever been.

As there are no church services in any parks as management has closed everything down. Chaplain Marty Zeigler held a short service on his patio this morning, based on the above verses. There were a few folks there to listen to praise music and worship the Lord as we listened to the birds singing in his park. One older gentleman was there in a Sunday suit, polished shoes, dress socks, and a 40’s style felt hat. I looked for a picture of my father who looked so much like him, down to the hat which he always wore. I could not find that particular one, As a gatherings of 10 or more is really not allowed, we were ok this morning. Our home church in Arkansas also live streamed and then posted this morning’s service, encouraging everyone to prepare communion at home and then take it all at the same time. Social distancing was observed!!!

Please stay calm, think of creative ways to make your stay at home time fruitful (perhaps this is time to spend more time reading the Bible, studying God’s word, and knowing that He is in control). Now that He has our attention, let’s listen.

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