Sunday, August 4, 2013

Talking Animals

I wonder if God, when creating the world thought about what He was going to do, or if He instinctively knew what to do. He gave man the ability to speak, but only gave animals the ability to make sounds. What an amazing decision! Can you imagine what would happen if animals could talk like humans?? Would the birds migrating from the North be able to speak Spanish when they arrived in Mexico? I wonder what language the hummingbirds here in South Texas would speak. The noise in a zoo would be totally unbearable to withstand. What would your household pets relate about what really happens in your house?? God, in all of His is wisdom gave man the ability to communicate with words. I am sure He meant those words to speak of His great sacrifice so that we could share His constant promises with others. But words are thrown around carelessly with the power to bless or the power to hurt. A carelessly spoken word cannot be taken back, it is hard to forget, or even forgive. Sometimes we say something without thinking it through, never thinking it might be misinterpreted or taken as a personal attack. I myself will often say something, or express an opinion, before I realize how the comment  will sound. Let us remember to use our words in love and encouragement, stopping before we carelessly or negatively hurt others. "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18  "My dear brothers, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry". James 1:19

Speaking of animals, our daughter Brenda and Todd have adopted another Dachshund. They already had one, a very spoiled fellow named Diggler.   Diggler was adopted from a neighbor when the neighbors moved. For whatever reason, maybe thinking Diggler was lonely, or perhaps they just saw it in the paper, they adopted a little female, Trixie, who was abandoned and in the pound. All of us animal lovers bless them for taking Trixie into their home. Diggler tolerates her, but is not ready to give up his bed or blanket yet.
Trixie on the left, Diggler on the right. Trixie seems to have her own blanket.

This week we were able to collect a large amount of clothing for the Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry. As many of the Winter Texans left in the spring and have not returned yet, the clothing supply was being depleted. We hope that this will be a good start to replenish the dwindling supply. As it is very hot here in S Texas (triple digits this last week) we don't think about the need as of yet, but hard to believe that it seems, winter will be coming. Hopefully, there will be many items that can be utilized for the back to school need.
We attended church this morning to hear a different preacher. Pastor Israel and Becky are gone on a very much needed vacation and family time. Brother Domingo Quintanilla, who is the assistant Director of Missions of the RVG Baptist Association, spoke about 4 men in the Bible, Joseph, Daniel, Paul, and John,  who through God, saw into the future. Regardless of what they went through in life, they pushed forward in the knowledge that God had their life plans already laid out. Would you want to know what the future holds for you?? I certainly would not - it could be a reason for worry and stress. Let us live each day, attacking each problem with God's help as it arises, rather than worry about problems to come. God knows every step of our journey before we take it - let Him take the lead. As Reuben dismissed us from the service, he reminded us that we are all brothers and sisters - all from different mothers but from the same Father.

After church we bought 7 large Mexican mangos from a roadside stand for the unbelievable price of $5. I had almost forgotten how God has blessed us by allowing us to serve Him while enjoying His provision.


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