Sunday, August 25, 2013

RIN Updates

We took another trip to the refuge (RIN) in Reynosa this past week with a delivery and were pleasantly surprised at the changes there. As we crossed the border and drove along the Rio Grande in Reynosa, we were again saddened by the colonias ( it is hard to call them homes, as they are nothing but pieces of left overs patched together for shelter). Most of these are inhabited by the people from Mexico and South America  who have no means of support. Brother Hector had established a ministry there at the dump (where most of the people live) including a church, food pantry, and whatever support he can give them. Brother Hector has received help from Children's Haven whenever possible.
a shelter from the weather - home to some - they mostly only sleep in here - otherwise do all else outside, especially cooking if the have food or the fire pit to do so

a more elaborate "home"

this one is a bit larger but it is virtually in the dump

Brother Hector's ministry

There is a large canal, very polluted with raw sewage, that runs through the center of Reynosa. Those from Mexico and Central America who are trying to get to the US illegally hire someone (called coyotes) to get them safely there. The coyotes bring the refugees to the canal at night, tell them that all they have to do is swim across this narrow waterway and they will be in the US. The coyotes then run off with the money (usually thousands of dollars paid to them for the travel) leaving those wanting freedom alone in Reynosa. Some swim across at night, some just wait until they feel safe, only to discover that they are still in Mexico. They become part of the dump residing residents. We once saw the federalise coaxing a swimmer from the canal, thinking he was almost free. Does this not remind you of false prophets, who promise you freedom from sin by just listening to their lies and then taking your money, leaving you lost and alone, still in bondage? "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you, they fill you with false hopes, they speak visions from their own minds, not from the Word of the Lord". Jeremiah 23:16
the canal which falsely represents freedom to some

the Mexicans love the Monster trucks, too
we have not figured out this represents - it is new this year
The new school building is completed and filled with children starting another year of learning. In Mexico, the school year starts already as the children only attend daily classes until 1 PM. The new classrooms are fresh, clean, air conditioned and colorful. Through the grace of God and the efforts of CRM parks in the Rio Grande Valley, the building of this new facility has been accomplished. There is also another building being finished which will be the bathrooms provided by the Mexican United Way. It takes the efforts of many groups who through prayer and persistence help Children's Haven International provide loving, Christian care to children from disadvantaged homes.
 the new bathrooms in progress
the completed new school building
grades 5 and 6
 you will notice some children have water bottles - these are the children of the blue collar workers in the surrounding community who pay to attend a Christian school
Grades 1, 2, and 3
 eager to learn
 these two jumped up from their seats in order to hug Fred
this little guy so wanted his picture taken
beautiful classrooms

Another new fixture at the haven is the new, huge palapa. We sat under it for awhile where it was cool enjoying a soft breeze. It is a welcome addition donated by the Volkswagen dealers in Reynosa. The workers were hired, also by the dealers, from Chulapa to work on the project. It took two weeks, as all the work was hand labor. Luckily, the workers were invited to stay in the dorms while they completed their job.

isn't it awesome
one end - just look at the man hours involved
 the opposite entrance end

our youngest child, Kayla, who has become very spoiled by all her "brothers and sisters", Tias, Tios, and us Americanos who love her to pieces.

this is Angel, one of the four boys who came almost over a year ago - he is happy, has learned manners, and is coping well as shown by his amazing smile 
As I was out in the park the other day, just loving the fresh air and all of God handiwork, I heard a familiar sound - the tinkling song of the ice cream man's truck in the surrounding neighborhood. It reminded me of when I was a child growing up in Chicago with a bunch of hooligan kids running wild. We would hear the Good Humor man coming a few blocks away and all scatter to our homes, rushing to get a nickel for an ice cream treat. Mother must also have heard the sound, or maybe because of her sixth sense she knew what was happening. We lived on the second floor of the apartment so we did not waste time running up the back stairs to get our money, but just stood outside the living room window and hollered up (a daily occurrence to get any one's attention). The window would open and down would come a white hanky with two nickels knotted inside (one for me, one for my brother). The scramble was on to see who could get to the Good Humor bicycle first to get the best choice. I was almost always first in line as I could run as fast and push and shove with the best of them. My favorite - an orange push-up of which there were very few left! Thus the reason for pushing and shoving - also another sin to confess to the good Fathers at St. Angela. How strange that this morning at church Pastor Israel's wife Becky spoke about the awesomeness of God and His magnificent handiwork. How she loved to walk in the evening and just take be a part of creation. I, too, love to marvel at all the simple flower buds, the evening at dusk, the sound of birds singing, even the ugly bugs!!! Pastor Israel encouraged us to sing and celebrate God's wonders and His  faithfulness and love for us. He truly is an awesome God.
This week as you are out and about, notice the small things - the perfection of the blades of grass, the small insects dutifully going about their jobs, the flowers beginning to bud, the sound of kids playing, the hum of busyness at work and thank God for it all.

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