Sunday, July 28, 2013

Texas Heat

We have arrived in Alamo, Texas and the change in temperature. I do love the heat, so I am comfortable, although we attend to chores in the morning then we take care of our indoor things in the afternoon. We always pray before traveling - pray for safety, grace, no mechanical or physical problems, etc. Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers the way we think He should or maybe He answers but we misinterpret His answer. As we got closer to our destination, we decided to stop for the night, as it was getting towards evening and we did not want to arrive late in the evening and perhaps find some situation in our trailer. As we proceeded to drive off the highway and to the town of Alice, Texas, the red warning light came on in the vehicle  (oh no, the dreaded red warning light), which cautioned us to check our charging system. We stopped and got a room at the motel, which the clerk discounted $20.00 for us without us asking.  We inquired about a reputable garage. She walked us to the window, pointed across the street, and said, "there". We had a good night's sleep, ate a free (there's that free word again) breakfast at the motel, started the car (PTL), and drove across the street. After inspection, it was determined the alternator had to be replaced. OK God, remember what we prayed for? But God did answer - we were not out on the highway in the dark of night, we did not have to be towed, the garage was right across the street, parts were available, the mechanics were efficient, and the car was repaired quickly. Our thanks to all the employees of Pres and Son Car Care of Alice, Texas for all of their help and kindness. And thanks to the Lord for keeping us safe.

It took about a week to get settled again for awhile but so comforting to see Texas friends again. There are not many people here at the park, just the ones who live here year around. We noticed the beautiful new stage renovations, as The Church @ Alamo Rec Veh is installing a computer program which will be a wonderful addition to our church services, as well as being able to be utilized by all park activities. We have been researching the program (Easy Worship) and are excited about implanting it. We are also updating the information on the Alamo Rec Veh web site. Guess we hit the ground running since we arrived.

the new stage at Alamo Rec Veh

We have put up the hummingbird feeders and already have a few of the resident birds using it much to our enjoyment. I can hardly wait until the great migration later in the fall when we attract hundreds of these tiny creatures. Also present are the weird whistler ducks who seem to want to perch on electric poles. Seems pretty strange to me, ducks belong in water, but who am I to judge the habits of ducks???
 duck on an electric pole
just surveying the area
We attended Great Oaks Community Church this morning and we were welcomed "home" by everyone, including Pastor Israel and his wife Becky. As usual, Israel's sermon seemed to hit right at home, as he spoke on wisdom, and the ability to take God's knowledge, grow in it, and use it. Through wisdom God transforms us into truly beautiful people, not outward but inward spiritual beauty.  True beauty is love, joy, and peace in God's gift of wisdom. We rely on His wisdom to lead us in His service and to put into practice what we know to be His will.  Pray with us for the wisdom to understand His continued plans for us. 


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