Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cooling Rain

Even though other parts of the country are flooding and praying for the rain to stop, here in S Texas we have been praying for rain. The grass was drying up, everything was brown and sort of dead looking, even the birds were walking around, looking up in sky, with their beaks open wide. Yesterday, we heard thunder in the background - the rumbling got closer, then this strange stuff started falling from the sky. Rain, beautiful wet, cool, refreshing rain. It rained about 45 minutes, a soft soaking rain. As we left church today, it looked dark and cloudy, a few sprinkles, then a real rain. After we got home, relaxing a bit, this huge noise startled us ( we may have been napping!) A real gully washer downpour. Thank you Lord for your provision. For a few moments pretend you are Noah - God tells Noah that He is going to destroy the earth because of the corruption and violence in it. He tells Noah to build an ark because He is going to destroy the earth and everything in it by bringing floodwaters.
Oh, OK Lord, but what is an ark, and what is rain, and what is floodwaters????  But because Noah was an obedient man, he did as God commanded. Read Genesis chapters 6 through 9 to read the whole story.

the evening sky before the rain - no clouds in sight - notice the star in the upper right corner

a quiet evening in the park -

As I was going out the door headed to the newly remodeled exercise room one evening (yes, I am walking again, but on the treadmill as it is too hot to walk outside) I had to stop a minute to let a duck family waddle down the road to the lake. They spotted me, increased their speed a bit, and headed down the bank to the safety of the water. How funny they looked - 2 parents and 4 ducklings, waddling along for an evening stroll!!! Too late to grab the camera for a picture.
We acquired a large amount of food, some Bibles, and even the complete Bible on CD, King James version, for the Great Oaks Food and Clothing ministry. We feel so privileged to attend church there on Sundays. This morning we welcomed Pastor Israel and Becky back from their East Coast vacation to visit family. At the church service, we were surprised to find out that one of the youth was leaving to return to her hometown, Chicago.  She has spent the past year here in S Texas as she had left her unstable family situation. She mentioned to a schoolmate that she felt the need to go to church and he invited her to Great Oaks. We all got to see her grow in Christ and get baptized. And now she takes the Word of God back home with her and to her family. We will miss seeing her here and encouraged her to always stand firm in the Word of God!!! God is so good.
As we acknowledge God goodness, we also praise Him for answered prayers. I know I have talked about our great granddaughters who are indeed a miracle from God. As we prayed them through their pre-birth state and into their arrival here on earth, we are still amazed at God's ability to answer our prayers in abundance. They are now 7#, growing like little weeds after a rain, with NO  noticeable physical ailments. I repeat, God is good.
Kinley and Kenzie or is it Kenzie and Kinley
 I have a prayer request for you - please pray for Robert Wilken who has been diagnosed with esophagus cancer. The doctors are telling him he has 8-12 months to live. God in His Almighty healing power has proved doctors wrong time after time. Please pray for complete healing, that the cancer is rebuked from Robert, and we will give God all the praise and glory for it.

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