Monday, September 20, 2021

September Lazy Days

It seems like that when September rolls around, we all tend to sit back and relax and enjoy the days before winter sets in. Lots of craft sales, yard sales, the tail ends of farmer's markets, cool evenings around a fire - all the wonderful things before settling in for colder weather, heavier jackets, and early evenings. 

Last December one of our daughters decided to train to run for a 5K (no reason, just set herself a goal). A co-worker , whom she did not know ran, heard her comment, and said he would train her. She has been working hard and finally ran on Saturday. Her greatest fear was that she would come in last as we tried t convince her that all she had to do was finish. We were there on Saturday (even her husband's cousin and wife came from WI to watch her run!). She was nervous as the race started - we stood at the finish line in order to celebrate her victory with her. She made it - and not in the least last!!! At first she said that it would be her one and only race - now she is considering running more of them. She is 51 years old, never an before, but her determination got her there. Guess we all should take a lesson from her grit in al things we do in life, from our life in the world as well as our spiritual world. Make a plan stick to it and yes, you will achieve it. Want to read through the Bible - make a plan for every day, a time and place, and you will accomplish it. Want to memorize Bible verses - do it. Chose someone to be accountable to (in addition to the the Lord) and let them hold you accountable. You are never too old. The word American says contains the words I Can.

                                                There she is in purple - and they're off
                                                                  so close to the end 

                                                                and across the finish line
                 Christine and her wonderful trainer, Larry, who ran the course with her, even though he                                                              probably would have been in the top ten finishers. 

We had a very inspirational speaker Sunday morning - a gentleman who was president of  Ozark Christian college when Pastor Vance attended there years ago. He instructed us on how to become  maximum impact church in today's world. How do you get  people to change for the better? People don't change simply because just don't have the desire. They don't change by being bullied into to or preached to. People grow best by community. Our peer group will bring out the best or the worst in us. Not attending a church is accepting God on your terms and not on His. Most people say that they don't have time for church or  that the church is full if hypocrites, or that it does not meet their standards. A church community is broken down because of a person's "wish dream and not reality. Why is the church indispensable to you. God is the inventor of life changes through community. the early Christian met as a "church" to hear the apostles preach. Today there are no apostles alive. We submit to the apostles' aunhority be learning the teaching of the Bible. The Bible is the milk bread and meat and honey on our spiritual learning. We also need to to be caring and serving together. God's people give their generosity to others - especially those in need. If you are not in  church, you are not learning or caring together. We need to keep worshipping together. Older adults tend to like more a traditional type of worship, and younger folks tend to like the contemporary service. We have to worship in humility - now matter the type of service, as well as witnessing together. The early churches were engaged in bringing others to Jesus Christ in repentance. Together we are related to the apostles - related in all ways. Being in the of a church will impact your life.

If you cannot go to His house on earth, how can you expect to live in His mansion in heaven? 

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