Monday, September 27, 2021

Awesome Fall Evenings

This is my perfect autumn evening - and I am blessed enough to experience it.  The days are still warm but the evenings have a slight chill to it. These days are my very favorite time of the year, as I sure I have said 100's of times. A quiet evening with the crickets and and occasional bird song, a cup of coffee, and  wamring fire.

                                                  See this is what I am talking about 

 A friend of mine posted the following picture as a throwback to 1960. This was taken sitting on a water bubbler (fountain) in a small Wisconsin town after the annual Senior FHA Tea. (For those of you who do not know - FHA stands for Future Homemakers of America when Home Ec was taught in school). The organization was really a big deal, as if you were lucky enough you got to go to the convention (which I was privileged to do), be a officer of the organization, as I was, and try for and get the Betty Crocker Award, as I did. I am sorry if  it sounds like  am bragging on my accomplishments, but then it was really a big deal!!!! The Senior Tea was held at the Country Club (yes, there was one there) and all who attended had to wear the required hat and white gloves, and wear red and white. Boy, did we feel grown up! It was truly a special day. From the left Barb, me in front with the glasses and Karen behind me - we were the three musketeers as we always seemed to be together. Then next to me was Darla, considered to be the prettiest girl in our class, next to her was another dear friend, Louise, next to Louise was her cousin Karen, and behind her on the right was Gerri. These were the gals we were usually with. Friend Karen had her boyfriend's 1960 blue Ford convertible which she brought to school and we all piled into it and drove to the next small town, 9 miles away, for an ice cream cone or a frozen banana on a stick. The fun and carefree days. Notice that Karen and  have cat eye and rhinestone glasses!!!The funniest part of it was when I related this to my mother years later, she was shocked that the school allowed us to be free at noon times and let us "roam the countryside" in her words. She and my Dad owned a restaurant and wondered why I did not being them there at noon - hmmm, would you do that? Karen posted this in honor of our class's 61 reunion. One of girls here has passed away, as well as 3 husbands. 

                    We thought we were pretty cool - little did we know what life would bring 

Vance started another sermon series for us this last Sunday based on the Peter. We have stood fast in the grace of God. Peter's letter was a general epistle sent to all of the churches as well as a circular letter, meant to be passed around to the churches after being read to the others. Peter wrote to bring hope to those who were being persecuted for their belief in Christ. In 64AD, a great fire broke out in Rome. The rumor was that the head of the Roman Empire, Nero, started the fire, on order to rebuild Rome as he wanted it to be. He blamed the Christians for the fire,  Most of the Romans believed this- therefore Christianity was no longer welcome in Rome. Christians we persecuted but God had chosen them to be right there where the were at that time. They were considered strangers in Rome. We are strangers today as we were not meant for this world but for another world. Peter was was an apostle and very close to Jesus physically, as he was with Him most of the time. His name is mentioned in the 4 gospels more than any other apostle. He spoke to Jesus personally more than any other apostle. He started the church so that is why we are a church today. He was always put down but always managed to get back up. We  as Christians want to be that kind of people. We have hope because our future is incredibly hopeful kept in heaven because of the power of the resurrection. We have an inheritance in Jesus Christ. Our present is positively purposeful because of having Christ in out life. Keep trusting in the Lord, even though He is giving us trials in this life to use for His glory. He  allows us to go through trials to become stronger in our faith. Our testing is made to  make us stronger. Our past has been perfectly planned. God has always had a plan - we believe in a God who is in charge of  history. This will help us to have a firm foundation. God is in charge - He will fulfill His purposes. We have to retain hope in our deepest struggles. God is at work in you - stand fast in the grace of God.     


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