Wednesday, September 15, 2021

I'm Late

 "I'm  late, I'm late for  very important date, no time to say hello good-bye,  I'm  late, I'm late, I'm  late" said the white rabbit as he hurried to the Mad Hatter's Tea party. Yes, I am late this week - I was under the weather with an sinus infection and allergies (the ragweed is blooming).  I was supposed to help out at church on Sunday at the information booth, but because of the coughing I was doing, I thought it was best no to scare people. I am much better now.

We have been moving one daughter to about 35 miles away. She found a cute apartment on top of a mountain with a beautiful view closer to her work. A very quiet, secluded area which suits her well.

Our 9th great grandchild, Connor James, was born last Saturday. His mother Katie, bless her heart, had a rough time of it, but being the trooper she is, did a great job. Mom and baby are doing fine, Dad is a bit nervous yet (first child) but all is well. 

As we sat and watched the deer one morning, a doe and her twins came on the lawn, eating the sweet grass. We sat still as they munched closer, when a twin saw us, stood still, then stomped his foot - once, twice, and a few more time, just like a kid having a tantrum, trying to act grown up. We laughed at him ( yes, it probably was a buck) as he calmed own and continued eating, keeping an eye on us. The fawns are teenagers now, as they are losing their spots and are almost as tall as their mama.

So proud of our youngest daughter - she lost 75+ # and has been training for a marathon (at 51 yrs. old)! She races Saturday - we will be there to cheer her on. She does not want to set any speed records. Her goal is to just finish. 

Hebrews 10 is another book about encouragement. It is what we need to be able to come together. Although we we do not know the author of Hebrews, it was written for Jewish Christians who were considering going back the the old way as it was too difficult to be a Christian. The letter encourages the not to go back, to hang on to their Christianity. The author tells them of the dangers of turning back and facing and facing a fearful expectation of judgement and raging fire. Jesus has done everything we need to keep our relationship with His Father. He opened the way through His blood. We might feel distant from God if we have a guilty conscience. We need to confess our sin. Satan loves to convince us that God does not care about us. If you walk with sin in your life you will shrink back from the relationship with Him, so you can walk in confidence and not fear Him if you confess. "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful".  Hebrews 10:23. Let us learn to profess - to speak about the hope we profess to have. When you feel we alone and weak, come along beside each other to encourage each other. Find ways to encourage each other - we all need encouragement.    

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