This has been a crazy week weather wise. We have had two thunderstorms here in S Texas - something that happens very seldom. I love to listen to a thunderstorm as long as there are no loud cracking booming noises! It was really calming to listen to the rumbling of the thunder - a rolling thunder that seemed to last for a few minutes. It has been warm, now a colder front has moved in - high 60's. It has also rained off and on all week again. The flowers are blooming and growing almost out of control.
the Easter lilies are still not blooming by the hall |
beautiful geraniums in a neighbor's yard |
my little palm tree is really growing |
lots of blooms on my Easter lily
I mentioned in the last blog about the turtle I saw laying eggs in the grass. I checked on the internet and found to my dismay that it takes anywhere from 35-45 days for them to hatch depending on the type of turtle. So I just need to keep on monitoring the nest and hope they hatch before we travel to Arkansas to visit family and friends. With the number of turtles spotted all over the park I imagine there are nests everywhere.
nest close to the sidewalk - interesting
view of the lake from the nest site
We were humbled this week to be able to accompany Faye and Marshall of His Hands Extended Ministry as we delivered quilts to individual homes in the colonias. Faye and Marshall have a ministry that encompasses many hours of time and miles of travel. The receive produce from Border Missions, then travel many miles to colonias where they have established two churches. After the first church service, produce is distributed, the remaining produce packed up, and taken to another church site and the process is repeated. They have developed a personal relationship with these very strong Christians, so we accompanied Faye and Marshall as we distributed quilts to families in individual homes. The people were so very welcoming, smiles of love on their faces, and praises to God for the gifts we brought. After the day was done, we had traveled over 70 miles, but every mile was worth the smiles and hugs we received.
funny sign just before we arrived in the colonias - Yunk yard - sometimes the J in Spanish is pronounced like a Y
the first home we visited - there was also a structure where two families live on the same property, but I did not want to offend anyone by taking a picture of it
the first three ladies to receive quilts - they were so surprised
this little girl accepted her quilt with smiles
these are two of 5 families living in another structure (it is difficult to call some of these places homes, but to the people living there, it is their home). this couple gives of their time and few possessions to serve others , as God instructed them to do - Faye and Marshall (pictured here) are calledMama and Papa by them. Oh, did you notice Marshall's T-shirt??? They are from the same pace in Arkansas as we are, but only met them here in S Texas!
one of the better structures
another family living area - but they were not at home
lots of roosters and chickens roaming about
the small structure to the right houses a family of four - another family lives in the other half - notice the size compared to the vehicle in front of it.
one of the open air churches where the Word of God is preached and received with love.
this young lady is the one who lives with her other daughter and husband in the brown structure. many volunteers, people like you and I, give of their time and money to build houses for these pople - this lucky family was the receipent of such a home - which is ready to move into. She was so excited to have new quilts for her home - all four family members had slept in the same bed - the new home has 2 bedrooms.
the white area is part of their new homes across the road.
this sweet lady has a beautiful flower garden - look at the egg shells on this cactus plant - she makes beauty out of ashes
there are two families living in her home - she smiles in gratitude as she received two quilts
her home is a bit better than most
We attened church services this morning at Great Oaks Community Church, where we will attend during the summer months. It was so good to connect with this church family again. Pastor Israel began a series from the book of Nehemiah, which encourages us to do something!!! Pastor Israel encourages us to look forward to new growth at GOCC, challenging us to strive for growth in 52 days, as Nehemiah was challenged to rebuild the walls of Jersuleum, which he did in 52 days. No challenge is too great for those who obey God. Nehemiah was concerned about the remanents of the Jews who were returning to Jersuleum after the distruction of it years before and wanted to do something about it. Although he himself was one of the exiles who served the king of Persia as his cupbearer (whose main job was to test the wine before the king did to make sure it was not poisoned). Certainly not a job I would want. Other than that, he had many more very important duties, which made him a highly respected man. Although he was challenged to do something, it was 48 years later before he met the challenge. Although God sent him back to Jersuleum, he had to ask the king's permission to do so - an almost impossible feat. But it all come together according to the will and plan of God. We need to met the challenges that God puts before us head on - with strength and courage. "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send"? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here I am, send me!" Isaiah 6:8. Very much our words as we began our amazing journey with the Lord.
On a lighter note, I saw this very unique way of changing oil in a car - please DO NOT try this at home!!!!! Have a great week.
car on the tail gate of a semi - luckily it was chained in the front!
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