We attended sunrise service this morning at Ranchero Village in Weslaco, where Chaplain Bob Ostermaier led us in worship - praising the risen Lord. Even though the sky was overcast, it was not raining. As we sang praises to God, the purple martins flew over our heads in a circle, as if joining in the service with their own song of joy. It looked like even the grackles in the trees were singing their songs of joy. The Scripture this morning was not the typical resurrection Scripture, but was based on Corinthians 15:2-6 - the importance of the resurrection. The crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection all took place according to Scripture. It is so important to remember that no one killed Jesus, He gave up His life for us, so that we would have the hope of eternal life with the Father. An inspiring beginning for a wonderful day.
Spring really has come to the Valley, especially according to the creatures of the earth. The frogs that inhabit our lake here at the park started their strange mating song - a very loud noise (that is the only way to describe it - a noise) which sounds like a diesel engine running. If I were a female frog I would run away in fright! As I was walking up to the hall the other day, I noticed a huge turtle right next to the sidewalk laying eggs. After she had left, I checked the nest, which was really very noticeable. I will keep watching it to see if I can see the tiny babies as they make their way to the lake. All of the birds are singing their spring songs. I still wonder where the mockingbird has heard the Northern song bird songs. The other day I was shocked to hear the songs of the cardinal, robin, and chick-a-dee. The spring flowers have decided to bloom to add to the beauty of Easter Sunday and spring (except the Easter lilies, who for some reason, are shy yet).
the flowers are so beautiful |
our next door neighbor keeps our adjoining yards looking beautiful |
the wild pink flowers that are everywhere |
more glorious geraniums |
the amaryllis are still blooming |
neighboring tomatoes |
a mama dove decided that our back air conditioner was the perfect spot for a nest |
5 blooms on our cactus this year
This last Friday was the first time I went along with Fred to Border Missions to pick up produce for the food ministry. After picking up the produce, we went to Great Oaks Food and Clothing Ministry to deliver it all, where it is re-distributed to another church. If there is too much, it is then taken to the nearby Senior Center. This week we had cases of grape tomatoes, eggplant, donuts, spinach (3 cases of loose leaves!), some flavored water drinks, and red peppers just to mention some of the items we received. The blessings goes on and on - those who pick the produce, those who donate it to Border Missions, those who distribute it, and those who receive it, not to mention those who just hear and observe what is being done for our brothers!
this is our pallet load of food
the vehicles in line, waiting to load - we were first today
the three awesome warehouse workers, loaders, etc.
I took a short walk the other evening just to enjoy the beautiful weather and smell the fresh spring air. Even all the neighborhood animals were out frolicking around, happy to be alive.
one resident has 5 dogs who were enjoying the day -only 4 are here right now
teen-age Joey hiding
Sassy, another sweet kitty - she used to jump in my laundry basket as I was hanging up clothes
Hooray!!!!! Gas is only 1,98 a gallon - unbelievable. I tried to take a picture of the gas price sign, but a post got in the way. At least you can see the 1 and 8!
only $19 to fill the tank
Today the park had an Easter Sunday potluck for those who are still here. Over 75 people signed up - I sure don't know where they came from as the park is fairly empty now.
usually the blacktop where these two units are sitting is full rv's.
tables set, ready for us
some early birds visiting
can you believe that this is the dessert table?
another table full of salads, hot dishes, deviled eggs, appetizers, ham, and mashed potatoes
a few of the party goers
more eager eaters
We need to remember that today is not all about food, bunnies, and candy but a day to give thanks to God for the greatest sacrifice ever - He sent His only Son to be crucified for our sins, so that we have the hope of eternity with Him forever. Give thanks every day because He has Risen.
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