Another beautiful Sunday here in the Valley. It was supposed to be stormy all weekend but we did not get any of it. A bit of rain one night, but the sun is shining and it is gorgeous.
There are many baby birds being hatched in nests everywhere. Our Mama dove laid two eggs, but only one was hatched. I was able to get a photo of the little guy while Mama was off hunting food. I do think he is about ready to leave the nest, because the Papa dove was cooing and calling to his mate - time to produce more eggs!!
if you look carefully you will see that he is staring right at you with a grumpy look on his face
resting peacefully
I went along with Fred the other day again to pick up produce at Border Missions - it was a beautiful morning ride and as we sat waiting for the door to open, the sun began to rise. Again I marveled at the majesty of God's creation. We received some beautiful produce - fresh and inviting looking. We thank God allowing us to take part in His bountiful harvest in order to provide fresh produce for those in need.
I took a quick photo of the rising sun in the clouds |
and a minute later was amazed at the change
The other night as I was out walking I noticed a quick flash of light out of the corner of my eye. A lightening bug (or if you prefer, a firefly). I did not realize that they were this far South in Texas - so stood and watched as a few of them began to flash messages with their "lights". How many of you remember catching them and putting them in jars to create a lantern? As kids, we were pretty cruel, as we pulled off their "lights" and made bracelets for ourselves. Perhaps that is why I am so deathly afraid of bugs - just thinking about them give me the chills. I will always remember one time when Fred and I had just moved to Arkansas and were out one evening, just driving around, exploring our new home state, when we rounded a curve in the road and saw this huge field, full of lightening bugs, all of them flashing signals to each other. We were just totally awed by it, as if time just stood still for a few moments - and really found it hard to believe.
Are there times in your life when you are offered an opportunity which would benefit you?? This happened to me this week - a simple task that would require very little effort on my part and benefit me over period of 4 months. I thought about it, prayed about, all the time feeling that it was not quite appropriate for me to do this. After again asking God if this was ok, He confirmed to me that I could accept part of the offer but not the part I was uncomfortable with. I then e-mailed the person with my decision and received the reply "thanks anyway". I don't know why I posted this here, except for the fact that we need to remember to pray about decisions, especially when we are not totally convinced that the answer should be yes. "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever". I John:2:17
Pastor Israel continued his travel through the book of Nehemiah this morning. After Nehemiah received courage from God to ask the king for permission to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the city of his fathers, he also asked for letters from the king, assuring his safe travels home (about a 2 months journey) as well as donations of timber from the king's forest. Nehemiah had a plan, he had all the details in place, as he moved forward with courage in spite of fear. After arriving in Jerusalem, he rested for 3 days, then, because of enemies who did not want him to accomplish his purpose, he went out at night to investigate what was needed to accomplish his mission. Just as his enemies wanted to thwart his plan, our enemy (Satan) does not want us to see the rebuilding of our lives. When we as Christians unite to accomplish something for God's glory, it will happen!!!
This week try to be bold in Christ - step out in courage and tell someone what Christ has done in your life and what He can do in theirs.
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