We had terrible storms Friday night - heavy rain, wind, and lightening. It was reported that there were 1200 lightening hits in 15 minutes. I believe it. There was constant lightening which began about 11 PM. At first we could hear the thunder rumbling in the distance, then it began to get closer. The lightening was unbelievable - a constant flickering and loud thunder. One loud crack and we lost power for about 4 hours - no air conditioning, nothing. I have never seen such power and strength that the storm produced. Not a lot of damage - but trees down, limbs broken off, signs blown over, and lots of water from the rain. We went to Progreso, Mexico on Saturday and as we passed the huge fields, we saw acres and acres of corn that had been standing up were blown over, flattened to the ground. I don't know if they will ever recover.
It seemed like everyone, his whole family, plus hundreds of others were in Progreso on Saturday. It was worse than when all the Winter Texans are here - parking lots on the American side were full, Progreso streets were packed, vendors and hawkers were everywhere. Fred had a couple of teeth taken care of at the dentist, we picked up a few things we needed and tried to hurry back across the border despite the crowds. As it was, we had to wait in an extremely long line to pass through customs, adding to the fact that it was very hot and humid.
We have not been able to go to Children's Haven in Reynosa for awhile for which I am a bit relieved. Two weeks ago there was a lot of gun fighting at the border, (not where we cross though) and the were some deaths. We are fairly safe as we cross south of Reynosa with only 4 miles to travel to the Haven. Continue to pray for God to place His hedge of protection around the compound of CHI/RIN in Reynosa, and also all of those who have to travel there everyday. So far God has been with us and we have had no problems at all. We hope to be able to visit there once more to visit with Paty and Belinda before we leave for Arkansas.
The Easter lilies have finally decided to grace us with their beautiful blooms. They are so beautiful and elegant in their pure white glory. Many thanks to former Chaplain Dennis and Sally Maloney for planting them!!! Even the roses by the hall are blooming and scenting the air.
the Easter lilies are finally showing off |
so perfect |
the pink roses are also getting attention |
and we have red roses |
lots of blooming hibiscus |
and sunflowers |
my Easter lilies are joining the blooming frenzy |
many blossoms on mine
Last week I mentioned the baby dove in the nest on our bedroom air conditioner. This week he has grown into a full blown teenager and flew the nest. I did manage to capture a photo of him and Mama just before he took off on his own.
Mama and son (somehow he looks like a teenage boy!)
We have basil and cilantro growing near the swimming pool, as well as parsley in our neighbors garden, which also has some beautiful tomatoes - not ripe yet though. I picked some of the wonderful smelling basil, roasted some pine nuts, added Parmesan cheese, salt, and oil to make pesto. Not only did it smell heavenly, but the taste was awesome. I know it supposed to be used on pasta, but it is also unbelievably great on toast!!
bushes of lovely basil - if you look closely you may be able to see the cilantro also.
We are having an addition to our park this fall - a remote control car race track. There is also talk of a boccie ball court. Many new things are being added as newer people come into the park with new ideas.
the race track near the hall, waiting for the sand to finish it off.
Now again is my personal brag time. We are so blessed with 4 amazing daughters, 6 grandchildren, and 4 great grands. Sometimes I get homesick for them all, but know I will see them in just a few weeks. God has given us the opportunity to serve Him here in the Valley, so we follow in obedience. He will let us know when He has other work for us to do elsewhere - until then we cherish the time we get to spend with our family.
great grandson Avery
great granddaughters Kinley and Kenzie (or visa versa)
great granddaughter Brielle
Did you realize that the United States Constitution is based on the book of Deuteronomy which contains the outline of government that God established for the chosen people - the nation of Israel. Check it out!!!