We are back in S Texas after spending 2 weeks with family and friends. The final trek of the journey from Joshua to Alamo was a bit of a trial, as we had rain for most of the way, heavy at some times and the fear of it turning to ice as the weather was cold at first. But God protected us all of the way, we made good time, and arrived safely home. Needless to say, we did not do too much after we arrived, just a sigh of relief.
I am so ready for spring - after taking down the Christmas decorations, I decided to add some spring color and flowers to our kitchen.
Waiting for spring
It is very evident that Satan is alive and well in the world today. Our CRM organization is being bombarded with illnesses. Two of our Texas chaplains have serious issues - one with liver issues and is on dialysis, the other in the hospital with a serious brain bleed. Several in Arizona have COVID, as wells as one also in Florida and our own CRM Manager in Colorado. Please keep the all in your prayers and send the Devil back to where he belongs.
The virus has now affected our ministry - some of the ladies who are our faithful workers have been exposed to COVID and one of them is ill but has not gone to the doctor because of lack of funds. We have not been around any of them for about 2 weeks, and now intend to suspend the food distribution for at least two weeks. Our hearts are sad as these wonderful folks truly need the commodities we provide, but for the sake of all of our health, we feel we must do this. We still continue to collect contributions ( we even received two bags of Christmas presents that we have a place for, but will wait before handing them out.) It will be an after Christmas surprise for some kiddos.
So far there is no COVID in our park and everyone seems to be following COVID rules. It has been a strange year for everyone, one which we will always remember. Our return to normal will never be the same as the pre-COVID normal, but I believe we all have learned from this. The turmoil over the election is another issue plaguing us - God has a plan for us and our country and we need to put our trust in Him.
While in Arkansas, we did not attend our home church as there were some who were affected by COVID - we conceded to the side of caution. Today, back in S Texas, we again watched online, wishing we could have been there in person, but praising God that we have the technology to be a part of the service. Pastor Vance preached from the Book of Nehemiah, which concentrates on rebuilding our lives. Most preachers tend to preach from this book as they are ready to launch another new building program. Nehemiah offers motivation even if the task is daunting. The name Nehemiah means "God is with us". Nehemiah brings comfort and hope to his people in captivation. We don't have clarity of what 2021 will bring. We need to have the ability to be faithful no matter what happens. Even if we cannot see clearly, we can walk with God who is walking with us everyday. How can we be faithful in 2021? We have to prepare ourselves to be leaders before we can lead. The people of Judah were faithful to God, but continued to bow to the culture of those around them. God punished them by destroying Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. He took the people from Jerusalem and moved them to Babylon. God promised to bring them back to Jerusalem in 70 years. Zerubbabel allowed the people return to Jerusalem but the walls of the city were still destroyed - a pile of rubble, even though the temple itself was rebuilt. Nehemiah was still in Babylon and could not help his people. God was not looking for ability but for availability. He used unlikely people to become available to Him. Nehemiah was upset and prayed and wept to God, as we should do, about what God wanted him to do. Prayerlessness is a condition of pridefulness. We cannot do the things we used to do for many reasons just as Nehemiah could not be with his people to share their despair. Jesus' answer to Nehemiah prayers was to find workers for the harvest - He needed Nehemiah to pray. There is no other hope but in Jesus Christ. Nehemiah fasted and prayed. When we pray we need to: 1) acknowledge who God is and ask Him to hear our prayers. It reminds us that someone is greater in this world than the world itself. Let your ears hear, be attentive. 2) confess your past in not keeping the spiritual feeling in the world today. 3) remember God's promises. A good father disciplines his children, as God did for Nehemiah's people. But He forgives when you are repentant. Ask God to act - let's be willing to let Him be a part of our prayers. As we see our world today, God has called you for such a time as this - let us pray for God to use you for His purpose.
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