Sunday, January 17, 2021

Fellowship Time

 Due to most of the parks and their restrictions, we seldom have  time to fellowship with other chaplains. Today we met for lunch with two other chaplain couples and another couple at a favorite place that was not even available to us last year, and very limited seating this year. Previously though it was almost a monthly meeting for us all ( 10 people or more). So much has changed this past year as we wait for things to get back to some what normal. It was a great time though as we visited, prayed for each other, and just relaxed form the craziness of the world today. I wrote a perspectives for the weekly newspaper that is published for Winter Texans about patience, so I will print it here for you - I too, need to try to practice patience as we wait for the Lord:


Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” How hard is it to be patient? It is a true test of your faith if you truly trust the Lord with patience. I know it is often very difficult for me. I am the type of person who wants to get things done quickly and efficiently, often not waiting for God’s perfect timing. I really have to concentrate on patience. Do we really understand what waiting patiently for the Lord means? Lazarus’ family called for Jesus to come because Lazarus was dying, yet Jesus stayed 2 more days before going to where Lazarus was in Bethany. He even told his disciples that Lazarus was dead. When Jesus arrived at the home of Lazarus, he found out that Lazarus had been in the tomb 4 days already – passed the time when a body decomposes. Mary, his sister, told Jesus that if He would have come sooner, Lazarus would not have died. Many of the mourners felt that Jesus could have saved Lazarus from dying if He had been there. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, not for His own glory, but for the glory of His Father.  This past year has really been trying one for most of us, first the Covid virus, then the closure of so many things, especially our places of worship, and our shelter at home orders. All of this has tried our patience and still is. We know that God has a plan for us, as well for our world. It is difficult to be patient – waiting for a vaccine for the virus, waiting to be able to shop again like we used to, waiting to be able to worship as we did before the virus, in some cases, waiting for a business to reopen so people can get back to work. As young children, we waited for patiently for Christmas, all the excitement being built up for days. And what joy we had when it finally arrived! Just imagine our own joy and excitement when the Lord comes again as we patiently for that to happen, either in this world or the next, for we know that then everything will have happened for the glory of God. Pray for daily patience to  God take the lead and let everything in your own life be done for God’s glory and none of your own. Be patient, wait on the Lord, and find peace in His presence. “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” James 1:2

Ahinoam in the Bible was the daughter of Ahimaaz and the wife of Saul, Israel's first king. She bore him a son, Jonathan, who had all of his mother's good traits. Her second daughter, Micah, was David's first and most beloved wife. Not much more is known about her, but you have to admit her place in Biblical history is most important to the entire story.

Vance continues his sermon from the book of Nehemiah (I have learned how to spell this name - another plus from writing a blog!). We need a burden for our community, a reason and purpose to serve. In today's world we are like sheep without a shepherd. In 2021 we need to submit to the Lord, be a servant for  Him, and let others see Him through us. Nehemiah went back to Jerusalem to hep build the walls - he did not go just to supervise or direct, but to be involved in the whole process. He had all the material resources to do so, but he needed the physical help to do it. "Teamwork makes the dream work", a quote from a coach and preacher friend of our Pastor Vance's. To do God's work, we need a common vision and team work. we have to be able to asses the situation. There was a lot of rubble in Jerusalem, just as there is in the world today. It is easy to point out a problem but we need to paint a picture of what needs to be done to slolve and fix it. Be optimistic about the future. the gracious hand of God was on Nehemiah in order for him to be able to return to Jerusalem.  We need to look for evidence of the hand of God on us. Remember, if we make decisions to move forward with God, we will meet with opposition.  In today's world, we are in rebuilding stage, but our mission has not changed. The mission in our church is to Love God, Love others, Serve others. We cannot worry about what we cannot do, but about what we can do. the only hope for today is to have a relationship with Christ. To accomplish God's mission, we need willing workers, anyone who makes themselves available can be used. We need to make ourselves ready to serve. We need to be flexible - to be ready to do whatever is need even if it is out of our comfort zone. Everybody can do something. Appreciate the power of teamwork. We need to work with unity. A house divided among itself will not stand. We need to pit our heart into it and work where we are right now. Serve how and where you can.   

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