Monday, September 14, 2020

Clean Up


 Please pray for those that are now in the path of hurricane Sally, which seems to hit the coast of Louisiana. Also for all of those in the path of the wildfires in our Western states.

We have been doing a bit of clean-up here in our neighborhood as a result of the July hurricane which affected our park. Our place was not damaged, but others here were. Fred repaired the slats on the screens that were blown off from our neighbor’s patio, staining them to match the other ones. Another one of the neighbors had a patio door shattered, whether from the storm or from a worker weed-eating or mowing we are not sure. The manager graciously replaced it for her, so we cleaned up all the broken glass and made arrangements for it to be replaced. Many of our neighbors do not return until Oct or Nov so we are trying to do what we can to have their damaged homes repaired before they arrive.

We are planning and making adjustments for the re-opening of the Caring Hearts food ministry due to Covid. The virus is still here in the Valley, especially in the colonias but we are working out arrangements where we can deliver food to them safely and quickly. We will wait until the first of October before implanting the plan. Hopefully, all will go well.  With this in mind, we are also working on trying to sell our home here and returning to Arkansas to become involved in some ministries there. It seems that the Lord is calling us back to that area – we need to be patient and wait on His perfect timing. We realize that the food ministry here may be in jeopardy here, but are praying and relying on God to reveal to us a perfect solution to this issue.

I know I seem to be favoring women in the Bible and ignoring the great men, but as you know, my heart feels drawn to the ladies. The man is the head of the household, but the woman is the crown. Adam was made from dust, but Eve was made from Adam’s rib. She was not made from his head for him to rule over her, nor from his feet for him to trample her, but from his side, to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.  While the ancient world was mostly a man’s world, women in Israel enjoyed a much higher status than those in the East. Christianity brought emancipation to womanhood where she is esteemed, as a man’s loved companion, confident, and even considered his better half. I recently found an amazing book while purchasing more reading material for myself at a resale store (two Wal-Mart bags of books for a total price of 50 cents!) I am going to try to trace and explain woman’s place in Old Testament times, Inter-testament times, New testament times, early church times, and present times. This book was written a few years ago, so I may have to improvise to bring it up to date. It mentions many women in the Bible of whom I have never heard – should be an interesting topic, so keeping checking so that you do not miss anything!!!

Our home church has recently begun a new ministry – One Heart, One Mind. The purpose of this ministry is to pair up folks with a need to those folks who can provide for a need. There are many people out there, especially in these in certain times, that are in great need, sometimes financially, and also materially, for something as simple as a bed for a child, or a backpack for school. By letting the ministry know what need you can meet with those of need certainly lets us love our brother. There are some people who have a need, but do not know where to go, or are even too proud to ask for help. All of this can be done anonymously. We feel the Lord may have laid this ministry on our hearts, as we will continue to pray about it. This type of ministry worked right into Vance’s sermon this morning. Most of the time we need an original pattern when we begin to work on a project. If you cut a piece of wood, then use that piece to cut another, etc., you probably will wind up with incorrect measurements. The Book of Acts is the original pattern of how we are to live out our lives. How did the early Christians live out their lives despite adversity and pressure? One way was through the love and care for one another.

Our distinction today as Christians is our love for each other. Our job is to be witnesses of Jesus to others. Peter gave the first gospel to the people after the resurrection telling them how to respond to Jesus by repenting. This was the original pattern to receive Jesus. Have we followed this pattern? After this sermon, about 3000 repented and were baptized. They dedicated themselves to the apostle’s teaching. The apostles were given authority to tell others about Jesus. We need to be committed to the word of God and not be swayed by the ways of this world. The people shared meals together therefore it is good that we share our lives together in fellowship. But we also need to break bread with Jesus in communion with Him. The early Christians also prayed together, we need to pray together as a body for the chaos in our world today. The early Christians were impacting the world by the way they lived. Not everyone in Jerusalem was not happy about what was going on and tried to top the m. Does this sound familiar? Peter and John were put in jail, released, went back to their people and had a prayer meeting. “All the believers were one in heart and in mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions were their own, but they shared everything that they had”. Acts 4:32. This does not mean that we are to sell everything we own and give it to the church. It means that we are to use our possessions for the glory of God. As Christians the Spirit of the Holy Spirit gives us the spirit of heart and mind (One Heart, One Mind). We don’t have to be twins to be brothers and sisters – the Holy Spirit binds us together. When the world pressures us, we need to stand together. As Christians we view our possessions as tools to serve Jesus Christ. The early Christians believed their possessions to belong to God to use for His glory. The world today makes us feel guilty, uses force, manipulation, and fear to make us conform. None of these things were present in the lives of the early Christians – it was all done through the understanding of what they were supposed to do. As members of God’s church (not the building but the brotherhood) will continue to Love God, Love Others, and Serve Others.

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