Sunday, September 20, 2020

Autumn Musings


September 20 2020

Lots of rain and cooler weather this week as a result of some of the hurricanes heading this way. Sally missed us, Beta will go to the North of us so far – just 3 more to watch out for. Talking a short walk every night (I need to work up to longer ones!) I have had the opportunity to visit (social distancing of course) with a few of the residents here in the park. We really do not see anyone as most folks are still hunkering down due to Covid, but occasionally see some people. Met a young couple who will be here for just a few months before moving on due to the husband’s job. I was surprised to see her with a 2 month old baby – probably the best kept secret here in the park. Cute little guy – they seemed so proud of him, too. I was happy to see them out letting him enjoy the beautiful weather.  We never see babies or children unless they are visiting residents here in the park.

Plans seem to be coming together for us to resume our food ministry next month. I feel that if we use caution and keep safe, we will again be able to provide food for those in the colonias. If the children are attending school, at least they will receive at least 2 meal a day. There are very, very few ministries providing food at this time which is sad, as this is the time it is most needed. The city of Alamo has delivered boxes of food for each resident here in the park – we donated ours to a needy family as the Lord has blessed us as being able to purchase our needed nourishment. The box contained potatoes, beans, vegetables, and fruit.

 Who knew last January that our whole world would be turned around – all of our activities, pleasures, actually freedoms would be gone? We are going to be living in a new normal – some people living in actual fear because of the virus, as well as perhaps losing our basic freedoms due to a misguided election?  There seems to be so much distrust and hatred in the world today that we need to turn to God – place our trust in Him and stand up for what we believe in. We need to move forward to a bigger and better future.  As our daughter said on facebook this morning – “I am not turning my clock back on November 1, I do not need another hour of 2020!”.

Women in Old Testament times:

The women in Israel were held in higher esteem than those in the surrounding heathen counties. Israelite law was designed to protect womens so called weaknesses, safeguarding her rights, and preserving her freedom. This doesn’t seem to convey our beliefs about women in Biblical times.  Under the divine law of Israel, women’s liberties were greater, her duties and tasks were more varied and important, and her social standing more respectful than her heathen sister. Many prominent Hebrew women were mentioned in the Old Testament. Even though a woman was her husband’s “property”, he being the Lord and Master of the household, she was a person in her own right.  Because of her chastity, obedience, and humility she made a prominent position for herself in the household, family, and even community circles. There were many, like Deborah, who achieved greatness, or Esther, who had greatness thrust upon her.  The pagan world did not recognize women’s virtures: they became subject to inferior and degrading conditions. Because the Israelites were always being invaded by pagan countries, Israel’s image of women declined, leading to idolatrous women and the decline of religious life of Judah and Israel, which then lead to their country’s overthrow.  

When the odds are against us we are on the defensive. The early church was on the offense who job it was to move forward. The church was moving forward for Jesus. We need to be on the offense for God – a forward movement for Christ. We, as the church, have to share the message that Jesus Christ was crucified, died, and rose from the dead. Peter and John came upon a crippled man as they were on the way to the temple. They stopped and looked at him as he asked for money. Peter said that they had no money, but instead healed him in the name of Jesus. The man leapt and jumped for joy, praising God. He drew a crowd of people and Peter immediately began to preach to them, telling them it was the power of Jesus Christ who did this. He called upon the people to repent. The Jewish leaders were not happy as they were losing the power they had over the people. Peter and John were arrested and the following morning were brought before the council. They were asked by what power or name they were able to heal. Earlier in his life, Peter denied Jesus, but he told the council the people were healed by the power of Jesus Christ – the only place where salvation was found. The leaders told him to preach no more in Jesus’ name. All of the apostles had become bold in the name of Jesus and continued to preach.  We cannot allow ourselves to drift off the track of telling others about Jesus. Our world today has rejected Him. We now live in a world where Jesus is disrespected. When we stand up for the injustices of the world, we tell others that we do this by the power of Jesus. The is only one hope for this world – it is Jesus Christ. We can choose chaos or we can choose Christ. Which one do you choose? Knowing Jesus gives purpose to life. We need to bow our knee to Jesus alone. Respect authorities but pledge our hearts to Christ. We need to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves: the unborn, those lost in human trafficking, the disadvantaged in the world today. Not because we want to start trouble, but to right the wrongs of this world. The apostles were poor folk with no power except that power given to them through Jesus. We as God’s people feel overpowered by everyone today – but we have the power in us given to us through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  

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