Monday, July 6, 2020

Summer Musings

We were sitting on the patio one morning as a roadrunner ran by with a lizard in his mouth totally unconcerned about us just 6 feet away. Love sitting here watching the world go by watching the deer, birds, ground hogs - all of God's wonderful creatures. We have had rain off and on all week, downpours and soft gentle rains. Our daughter's garden just drinks in all the moisture, then sprouts up in the heat of the day. 

                                                                        Arkansas rain

 We did get a chance to visit one of our daughters nearby, although we social distanced outside. She is a personal director at  nursing home where Covid is prevailing, and she took every precaution to protect us. We had a wonderful time, as we had not seen her on a year, but hated the fact that there were no hugs and kisses. Another daughter was coming for the weekend to visit, but she, too, decided to stay away for awhile as her granddaughter could have been exposed to Covid at the day care. Our daughter lives at the same residence. The grand daughter and her mother both tested negative, but as a precaution, again, she decided to to not take any chances exposing us. I cannot imagine those people in a nursing home not being able to see relatives, or their relatives not being able to visit. We all need to remain safe, and to ask God to heal our country from this virus and also for the unrest that abounds.

This past weekend celebrated the Independence of our country. Many traditions were not observed, many activities were canceled, and the world seemed upside down. We celebrate American Independence Day on the Fourth of July every year. We think of July 4, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation.We celebrate the release from the anarchy of England, and proclaim ourselves as a Christian nation. Let us not forget the foundation of our great nation and return to God - He has not left us, we have kicked Him out of schools, our government, and sometimes even our families. 

We were going to physically attend church at Our home church of Prairie Grorve Christian Church, but decided to wait another week perhaps. We were able to watch it again live, on a big screen TV this time instead of on my computer. Pastor Vance continues in the Book of James. God's plans are forever. What He commanded at the beginning of time still stands today. We ask God to bless America, but we as Americans and Christians need to bless God. Our country was ordained to be a light to other nations. We need to keep on with the Christians foundations that formed us. We are presently battling for the soul of our country. What we need now is wisdom from God. " If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given Him" James 1:5. This is a verse to go to if you need an answer to life's problems. The most important thing for us to understand is what wisdom is. We can have knowledge but not wisdom. Wisdom is knowing what to do with knowledge. Wisdom is skillful living - taking your knowledge with a Godly view and applying this to your daily lives. There are three types of wisdom. The first is reflective wisdom - to look into a situation and know how to use wisdom in a Godly way. There is also practical wisdom which is common sense. It is how you do life well by putting God's words into practice.Solomon said to seek wisdom, Jesus said to pray for wisdom. James contrasts worldly wisdom to Godly wisdom.If you don't include God in your life, you can call yourself an atheist. The last of these is worldly wisdom. We need to know the origin of worldly wisdom which is not from God. It is inspired by the devil which is rebellion against God. Worldly wisdom operates as a bitter envy and selfish ambitions. This is evident in the protests and riots of today. The outcome of all of this is the thinking that does not include God. It produces disorder - every evil practice which is anarchy. The origin of Godly wisdom comes from above. We need to have a reverence of  the Word of Gd and of God Himself. The operation of Godly wisdom is as a peacemaker - a gentle way of life. We need to be considerate and submissive, sincere, impartial without hypocrisy. 
The out come of this is peace and righteousness. If you put Godly wisdom into practice, you are the person who built his house on a rock. God is the rock.

How wise are you?


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