Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hurricane Season

This is the hurricane season for 2020 and  it certainly came in with a vengeance. A lot of S Texas was hit, as well as our park in Alamo. There were 27 units which were damaged, some worse than others. Ours was not hurt, nor were any of our closet neighbors, but some folks had serious situations Most of these people live up North, so this will put an extra strain on them. Our park manager spent most of Sunday informing those who had damage.We just praise God that no one was injured in our park. We are in Arkansas yet,so we would have to travel to S Texas had we had damage.

Our 7 year old twin great grand daughters somehow convinced GPop and GMom  that we needed to take them to "that Mexican restaurant by the gas station" so they could have bean burritos, chips, and cheese dip. So Saturday we took the plunge and off we went to the Mexican Restaurant. The girls were exceptionally good and well behaved thanks to their parents. They then thought we should "buy them a toy". So we went to a dollar store and that is where the fun began. They went from sweet girls to the enegizer bunny x 2 in 1 second flat!! Each one wanted to take off in a different directionand could not make up their minds whatsoever. After about 45 minutes later we headed for check out, where they spent another 10 minutes deciding which treat to purchase. No wonder we have our children when we our young. Kenzie got the Sorry game, and even convinced GPop to play a game with them!

                                                           Kinley and Kenzie - I think I have it right!
                           another great grand daughter, Harper. Next Saturday there will be two other greats                                                    here, so I will have pics of those two cuties

Some of you who know me, know that I have a passion for women role models. Be it modern day women, women from history, or especially women from the Bible. They all lived in different eras, but many of them possessed the same qualities – ladies who loved God and were faithful to Him. There are many women in the Bible from whom we can learn about faith, obedience, and the heart for God.  These are the ladies whom we strive to pattern our lives around.  Remember Abraham’s wife, Sarah, who believed God ‘s promise that she would bear a child in her old age, and even Rehab, the prostitute, who hid the Hebrew spies because she came to believe in their God – the God who redeems and saves lives. And there is Hannah, who was barren and poured her heart out to God so strongly that Eli thought she was drunk.  Who can ever forget Mary, the Mother of Jesus, Ruth, or Esther? But there are a few who you do not want to be like – perhaps just during certain times of their lives or maybe even all of their lives. These stories show us what not to do, how we should not live – models we certainly do not want to be like. 

Eve – the first women of all who wasn’t satisfied. You know the story- she had everything, married to the perfect man. She had a beautiful garden to call her home which she never needed to weed, no noisy or nosey neighbors. Certainly, no job stress for her or her husband, no debt, absolutely no bills to pay, no in-laws, no noisy whiny children who always seem to be demanding and disobedient. She did not even have laundry to do because they were naked.  Hallelujah!! Her life was just as perfect and complete as she was. No health problems, no monthly mood swings, no hearing or sight problems, addictions, no aches and pains and no extra pounds. It certainly was as heavenly as it sounds. But perfection did not seem enough for her. She was persuaded by Satan that there was more to life than what she had. Satan convinced her that there was something more that she needed. Have you ever in to your life had those thoughts? Some women you know probably acted on them by changing jobs, locations, even the point of upsetting their whole families in search of something better. Don’t be a woman who believes she needs more. Trust the limitations that God has put on you and your life and be content that this is where He wants you to be right now. Otherwise you may become like Eve -she had it all but lost it all because she wanted more. I like to believe that Eve was again happy for the most part by bearing sons and living her life out as Adam’s wife. But look what she lost.

Lot’s wife - the woman who looked back. God commanded Lot and his entire family to flee from the detestable city of Sodom. In the Genesis account, God reveals to Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah are to be destroyed for their grave sins. Abraham pleads for the lives of any righteous people living there, especially the lives of his nephew, Lot, and his family. God agrees to spare the cities if 10 righteous people can be found. Two angels are sent to Lot in Sodom but are met with a wicked mob who are then struck blind by the angelic guests. Finding only Lot and his family as righteous among the inhabitants, the angels warn Lot to quickly evacuate the city and to not look back. As they flee the destruction, Lot’s wife looks back upon the city and is turned into a pillar of salt. One of the most prevalent sins in Sodom was the homosexuality of the men, engaging in sexual relations with the other men and boys. Then the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrha.  Thus, He overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. Don’t be a woman who looks back at what she used to have or longs to be in that place. Instead, forget the past and move forward into the future that God has panned for you.

There are a few more ladies I will present to you in upcoming blogs. Check back next week!!

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