I still have a few pictures from last week's distribution in the colonias. it was a fruitful (literally) abundance to say the least. We had papaya, mango, oranges, jack fruit, and limes. Jack fruit is such a huge fruit and hard to imagine "peeling" it to eat. I always ask questions as to what the fruit is and how it tastes, etc. Jose informed me that the fruit has three flavors - mango- papaya, and pineapple as well as 3 different size seeds! Each layer of the fruit tastes different. If a person were to purchase one small piece of it at a flea market (the size of a lemon) the cost would be $5. A mango, papaya strawberry smoothy is absolutely super delicious! Adding a chili type salt, called Trechas , to raw pineapple or mango is also super sweet and tasty. Every time a new person arrives to help out with the colonias, they put their hands over my eyes and touch my hair. I suppose they are so used to dark eyes and dark straight hair that I am a phenomenon to them with my blue eyes and lighter curly hair that God blessed me with. It is a good thing that I do not mind being "touched" but the first time it really startled me.
jack fruit - really huge |
long, long green beans |
rice and beans |
yummy papaya |
Jose, who helps Fred with projects in the colonias, and his beautiful wife Magdalena |
Ida is starting a Bible study for the summer at the distribution area which has a few attendees so far. Right now she has to haul tables and chairs from the church in the church van , but in a few weeks, the missionary group form Lakeland Church just outside of Dallas, is coming down for a week to help build picnic tables so Ida does not have to work so hard. We are going to figure out a way to either chain them together or make them somehow permanent so they do not walk away!!
the first Bible study group lead by Magdalena - last week it was a few more.
Another fairly hot week. we are looking forward to our time off in a few weeks when we return to Arkansas to cooler weather, family time, farmer's markets, yard sales, old friends, and our home church, Prairie Grove Christian Church. It will be a nice break, but will miss our friends here in S Texas. Jim Maxson will take over for us again as he did last year in our absence.
We received a large amount again of clothing from Border Missions including a real fur coat!!! At least It think it was as it was recommended to be cleaned by a furrier only. I wonder who will claim it as it is never cold enough to wear one here in S Texas - perhaps as a lap robe??? It made me hot just handling is so it will be interesting as to where it goes.
Last week Pastor Ricky asked the congregation to e-mail him and finish this sentence "I wonder". From his sermon this morning he got a lot of replies. the most asked question was "I wonder about God's will for my life." How many times have we asked that question in some form or another?? Wouldn't it be wonderful if God spoke to us? Actually spoke to us in a voice out loud? How easy life would be. We would all love to hear from God, not just through billboards or radio programs, but actually hear His voice. We yearn to hear His voice to tell us what He has in store for us. God really wants us to know His will more than we want to know it. God's will is not a as big a secret as we think it is. Being in tune with God is not as complicated as it seems (Read Romans 12:2). God's will is good (the best in His mind for us), acceptable (according to His Word), and perfect (it meets out needs). His will for us is to fulfill His desire for us - not our will or desires but His. If God's will is so clear, why is it hard to discover or follow? Because we are not listening and don't hear what He wants us to do - It is a fear of change or pride. We are creatures of habit and fear change so we do not hear the Word of God. We often refuse to change. Pride make us stubborn to God's will. To obey is will is to surrender all to Him - we as humans do not want to do that. We need prodding from the Bible to truly understand how to hear God's Word. The key to doing His will we have to surrender all to Him. I am reading a book written by one of our chaplain's wives. It is "Simply a Whisper" by Lennie Nordloh. It encourages us to listen to the whisper of God in all aspects of our lives. Take time in silence to hear the whisper of God - to hear the voice of God encouraging us to follow His will.
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