Sunday, June 16, 2019


A very strong Christian young lady of only 21 showed me a lesson in faith yesterday - a faith so strong that she is waiting for God's plan in her life. We traveled  oReynosa for a CHI birthday party yesterday in the heat - and it was hot. The program for the day was a movie so that was a cool relief to relax in the a/c of the movie theater.  The movie was "Aladdin" in Spanish of course!! I could follow it somewhat and of course, knowing the story does help. It was funny and really good. We were treated to a drink  (coca - not diet) and popcorn. Most of the kids put salsa (a mild hot sauce) on their popcorn but I declined (at first!). I tasted Pati's (our Mexican "daughter" that we sponsor) and found it to be really tasty. As the Mexican director, Melana, came around to us all and offered more "salsa" I held up my box of popcorn and she raised an eyebrow and said "really, Leila?" A fun afternoon, after which we went to the home and had a meal of two different kinds of chicken, potatoes, and Coleslaw. Really good as usual. Served of course with hot and hotter red and green sauce. We celebrated the birthday party for the kids April-thru July, really not a lot of them. Our Pati is turning 21 this month. 3 of the kiddos had never had a birthday party, never received presents, nor ever been to a movie. What an exciting day for them. We had been informed that Pati may leave the home. We were devastated as she only has one more year to get her lawyers degree. We have sponsored her and been in her life for 10 years now and wanted to encourage her to finish her education. Through the help f a translator, we found out that her mother is very ill even with some dementia, as she was found wandering the colonias in Reynosa. There is no one else to take care of her as there is no welfare, etc. in Mexico and Pati's mother is very poor. Pati does have sisters and a brother, but no one else has stepped up to help Mama. Sweet Pati has to make a decision in about 2 weeks as to what she is going to do - give up her dream that she has worked so hard for, or to continue on. If she goes home to help her mother, he has no Internet or access to her online courses require, even perhaps no way to get to school. As we talked to her, she was smiling all the time reassuring us that she was praying for clarity from God as to what plan He has for her life.
She has placed her life in his hands!! What an amazing test of faith. We, too are praying for God's will to be done, and ask for you also to offer up a prayer for her decision - a huge one for someone as young as she is.

there was stage in the  mall where the movie theater was, so we got to watch these kids and traditional Mexican dances.

the three boys who never had presents before are in awe of the gifts

all the birthday recipients, including the adults - Betsy, CHI director, have a son celebrating also - 3rd from the right

always smiling Pati

We had a lot of rain this week, so I did get all of the weeds out of my small garden. Of course, after I got done, I sneezed with allergies for about an hour! After the rain I went hunting for a rainbow, and found one!!!!

if you look closely you will see it - soft of vague, but a rainbow indeed over Miss Opal's house.

A lesson in shopping from my husband, of all people, who detests shopping, but takes forever to do so! We eat low carb, whole wheat tortillas instead of bread, so when we need more, we shop. I usually just grab two packages and am on my way. Not Fred, no - he tests each one to see how heavy they are. Why, because they are supposed to have 8 tortillas in each package, but some actually have 9 or more. He invariably chooses the ones with the most tortillas for his money!

 It was terribly hot last week (107+) and who feels like cooking? Not me - but I had a longing for chili - yep - so I made a pot of it and we enjoyed it in the a/c at home! Guess I am the only one who would do that.

The border situation has not changed - the immigrants are still sleeping out at the Progresso border waiting for processing. We did wait about 45 minutes at the Anzadulas Bridge when coming home from Reynosa, but that was better than the normal 2 hours wait. Because of sending more folks to the borders to work, there are more lines open to cross (it had been down to one) so the wait time seems  bit better. 

 waiting for their turn to ask for amnesty while playing on their phones

looks like they are here for awhile

The devil is alive and well in the world attacking anything that he wants to control. It was very evident this week as he tried a major attack on our ministry, Caring Heart Ministry. He used lies, deceit, and doubt to try to undermine the things we try to do to help others with a hand up. Discouragement was starting to creep in, when we realized if God is for us, no one can be against us. Hopefully we conquered Satan with truths and Scripture. Please keep us in your prayers though, as wonderful things are happening in regards to the ministry, and of course, the devil hates that. 

This morning's sermon related to the wisdom of an effective life in Christ. What did God create first - many will answer light. That would have been my answer, but I referred to the title of the sermon and guessed Wisdom. According to Proverbs 8:1-4, wisdom was there at the beginning of time. Wisdom is actually the joy of  living - the joy of knowing the Lord, having a relationship with Him always. Wisdom offers high rewards to those who believe. It is the joy by characterizing the truth - the truth in the knowledge of Jesus Christ who is the truth in our life. The greatest truth is that Jesus loves us. We have to rejoice in the Lord - a rejoicing with abandonment. Wisdom is a joyful relationship with God. A wise  person overlooks the problems in life and finds joy in God, looking beyond the immediate problem. This is something that I really need to focus on. I tend to see a problem and them stress about all the "what ifs" - then I remember that worry will not add a single minute to my life, and to have the faith of Pati, and turn my life over to Jesus. Rejoice in what is yet to come - the resurrection of our souls into heaven, where we can praise and rejoice with God for eternity. 

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