Sunday, March 3, 2019

Winding Down

It does not seem possible but the season at the RV parks seems to be winding down already, although I cannot imagine why folks want to return to mountains of snow up North! Many of our friends are leaving this month, some of them very soon. And sad to say, some of them are not returning, mostly because of health or family issues. They will certainly be missed as we have spent many wonderful times with them. (I don't want to name anyone as I certainly do not want to leave anyone out).

It has been a pretty hectic week as it always seems to be prior to the end of season. A patio sale here in the park brought loads of "leftovers" to our doorstep for our ministries. People leaving so do not  want to repack or take any of the items with them, so we are the blessed recipients of things! And things they are - from clothing, to small appliances, to purses and shoes, men stuff ( cords, ruler, nuts and bolts, etc.), rolls of carpet, mops and brooms, blankets, and even holiday decorations, So we sort and pack and sort and pack - most of the items go to Children's Haven International and the rest to our Caring Hearts Ministry. EVERYTHING is used in some way or another.

Last Friday another chaplain couple accompanied us on our Friday distribution. These are new chaplains and wanted to see exactly what Caring Hearts Ministry is all about. I hope they have an idea of all that is done through the ministry for the sake of those less fortunate. It was a long morning, but we thoroughly enjoyed their company and help. We usually do not take those huge bags of donuts to sort, but since I had help, we took some of them and us ladies packaged them. There were donuts of all types, decorated sugar cookies, and kolaches, with probably a hot dog and jalapenos inside. The camaraderie was fun but also very productive.

I was so very distraught with all of the political shenanigans going on lately that I turned to the Bible to try to find some solace there. Our country is heading straight for disaster if we do not return to the Lord. A spiritual revival is so much needed. Our country is so divided which leads to downfall. "But Jesus knew their thoughts (referring to the Pharisees) and said to them, "every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided divided against  itself will not stand".

This morning was communion Sunday at our church here in Texas. While at home in Arkansas we have communion every Sunday, but no matter the procedure it gives us time to reflect how our lives exuded the spirit of Christianity the past week. Our sermon this morning referred to seeing the speck in our brother's eye and not seeing the log in ours. Luke 6:37-49. Our being It is the essence of who we are. We see others faults but not our own. What we don''t like in others is often what we don't like in ourselves. Compassion not condemnation is  the basis of being a Christian. The way  we envision  others depends on who we envision,  such as "I am firm, you are stubborn, they are pigheaded". Same thing, different ways of looking at the same characteristic. It all depends on how you view things and others. Jesus prohibited judgment by condemnation. If we place judgment on others, we are taking the place of God. God had perfect love and holiness - we do not.

A beautiful warm day today - but the warnings of 40 degrees tomorrow morning - a drop of almost 40 degrees!!!

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