Sunday, February 24, 2019

We Salute Our Veterans

 Throughout the winter the Busy Bees quilting group has been sewing patriotic lap quilts for our veterans here in the park. Last year we presented some to those who had served up to the Vietnam
conflict - this year our goal was tp present  quilts to all the rest of the military in our park - a whopping 70+ quilts. I mustconfess I could have done better but did manage to get 2 of them done - a small number compared to some of the other ladies. On Wednesday this last week, at our weekly meeting, the names of our veterans were called individually and were presented  with a quilt. It was so wonderful to see how many folks gave up of their time ans energy to protect our country and keep us safe. Some of the men were not present, so we hand delivered them the following day. What an honor to present these folks (yes, there were women also) with a small but heartfelt offering of thanks.

lots of hours of sewing represented here

our neighbor with her quilt

and her husband who were both in the service

Noel's wife made this full size quilt for her husband

wonderful next door neighbor, Don, with the quilt his wife Kay made

It has been a rather quiet week as far the Caring Hearts Ministry is concerned - the normal but  bountiful food for distribution and no cracker surprises (see last week's blog).  Although we do have a large supply of donated bread  now ready to distribute on Tuesday.Never a dull moment, but everything is so much appreciated!

We attended church this morning here at the park as we, along with a few others, were recipients of the distribution of church mission funds. We are so blessed with the love and generosity of the park residents  as well as all of those who support Caring Hearts Ministry. We are also grateful for everyone who takes part in some type of ministry work - it really does not matter what the charity is that you donate to, giving is such a satisfying feeling. Pastor Randy's sermon this morning fit right in with this spirit of giving, from I John 2:1-11. This scripture is like a teacher's teaching a class  - the teacher teaches students, then asks the students what she taught, then teaches them again what she taught. That is the way it is with God's Word - we hear it, read it, and then have to be reminded again of it. Do we really understand? John teaches us fellowship with God. All Scripture tells us to walk with God but do we do so - we are all sinners so therefore we can never be perfect. We are so blessed because even if we sin, God has unconditional love for us. Just because God forgave our sin does not give us license to sin again and again. Just because we sin does not give us the right to do sot. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just in forgiving us. Obedience is a natural fellowship with God.   When we choose to walk with God we abide in Him and live for Him.  If you don't feel fellowship with God perhaps you were never a believer. If you say you know Him and do not keep His commandments you are a liar. One of the greatest commandments is to love your neighbor - that is the expression of giving to a ministry - not necessarily monetarily, but with your time and talents. Not everyone is cut out to be missionaries, but loving your neighbor is easy. True love is easy - it is caring about others not self. Open a door for another shopper, help an older shopper unload groceries, or other purchases into their car, let someone in line ahead of you at the check-out line, or in busy traffic. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee or a soft drink- be kn id and caring. What can you do this week?

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