Sunday, March 11, 2018

End of Season

Things are really winding down here at the park. Almost all activities are over although the residents still find opportunities to get together for cards and fellowship (usually at an area restaurant). Our sister-in-law made it safely back to Wisconsin, although she had to face the cold and snow again!  We had a great visit and a time for rebonding.

Our last chaplains meeting was Saturday – a bittersweet time for all of us. Many are leaving soon to continue their ministries for the summer, returning again in the fall. Others are leaving for different calling from the Lord. As I have stepped down for the leadership role in our ladies retreat, I wonder what God has in store for me now?? I have a bit of spare time -I just need to listen and follow as He calls me to continue in His will. I thank Him for the ladies who have stepped up to continue God’s Worthy Women, with great and exciting new ideas. It is hard to drop those reins to others and sit back and let them gone on from here, I will still be involved, but not in the capacity that I was. I am so excited as I listened to their ideas and plans already in place for this annual event. Our Christian Resort Ministries continues to thrive and grow, with the possibility of opening up the Northern areas for ministry in the summer time. What a wonderful opportunity to minister to others – to those who know and those who do not know Jesus. We do have 3 new parks here in the Valley, and are still searching for chaplains – if you know of anyone who would like to serve in an RV park for the winter in the warm climate please have them go to for information and the application form.

There are 90 wonderful servants of the Lord who have come to the Valley from Dallas to serve in the colonias where we serve. They are hosting a 4-day event right in the colonias to minister to folks there We are so blessed that they have chosen to part of our ministry. They will do physical work at the church connected to the ministry, as well as work in the colonias such as dry walling the building there and encouraging the many residents to join them.  We took many cases of food, 105 dozen eggs, as well as clothing and other items to be distributed in an effort to show others how much we love and care for them, as well as telling them about Jesus and the fact the He, too loves them always and is walking beside them at all times. What amazing God we serve.

The weather has been so perfect with cool breezes and the smell of spring in the air – the fruit trees are blossoming as well as the flowering plants and trees. Easter is nearing with the promise of a new beginning, a new outlook on life, and the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. What a glorious day! Many opportunities to worship and prepare ourselves are on the horizon the next few weeks. The Easter lilies in the park are promising to bloom by Easter – the amaryllis are already blooming.

We continue to study to live like Jesus. Did you know Jesus rested?? There are many references in the Bible where Jesus escaped from the crowds to rest and pray. Most of our lives are spent working or working towards working – we go to college, take mundane jobs (working) to prepare us for our careers (working).  Workaholism is the most rewarded addiction. The definition of workaholism is a compulsion to work excessively hard and long hours. Our bodies were not designed to work, work, work. How sis Jesus handle work and rest. In Mark 4:35-41 we read about Jesus and the apostles as they got into a boat and headed out across the lake for a time of rest and to get away from the crowds. A huge storm came up and the apostles were terrified. They looked for Jesus and He was sleeping on a pillow!! What – a storm is crashing around us, the boat is filling up with water, and Jesus is sleeping!!!! Perhaps His clothes are already wet and His pillow is trashed and still He sleeps. Chaos was all around which leads to panic. Chaos is the opposite of order – surely things were out of order as the storm crashed around them. Panic then leads to fear– the apostles began to be fearful of drowning and shouted at the Lord to wake up and save them. The disciples called out to God because of fear (have not we ever done that?). Jesus got up and calmed the sea – He just spoke the words and the seas and wind calmed. Fear leads to a desire to control the situation – to put it all in a box and “Fix it”. God will not be held hostage by chaos and neither should His children be. Sometimes God wants you to take a break. Living like Jesus means spending time at rest so don’t let your life be led by chaos.

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