Sunday, November 12, 2017

What is the Temp Anyway??

Honestly – the weather is a true mystery. For two days it was cold, rainy, raw, and nasty. This morning was 65 – the promise of a good day. Late this afternoon it was 84 already!!! From shivery and cold to hot and sweaty! At least it is not snowing and freezing.

This was a week of washing a few more stuffed animals – we wash them, dry them, and then laugh together at how cute they are. We praise God that He blessed us with so many to ensure that the kids have something of their very own to love.
Fred, animal control

as you can tell, this was one of the colder days -

Friday brought a huge number of donuts to be separated (Eunice and Dale were great helpers last year but are not here yet!) The donuts are donated by Shipley’s, Sam’s, Cosco, and Walmart and sometimes the Kolache Factory. We pick them up with the produce on Fridays in humongous plastic bags and bring them home to separate them into 6 per bag – sometimes there are donut holes, so we figure about 6-8 as 1 donut. It really is not a bad job – just sticky and very tempting, especially when the big, gooey, nutty, cinnamon rolls show up! So far, my self-control has been good. Then Fred takes them along with the vegetables and whatever else we receive to the colonias for distribution. The Monday after Thanksgiving we are having a day of Thanksgiving in the colonias – with food and clothing distribution, a Christian program, and a hot meal. 

                                            packing donuts - notice the apron to protect me from sticky! Fred takes shaky pics - sorry for that
about a third of the way done - notice the big bag of donuts on the floor
filling and tying bags
tackling the BIG bag

The park is filling up as more and more people are escaping the cold and snow of the Northern states. It is sad to see some not returning, and even some who are returning but putting their places up for sale. We have been in this park 12 years already, so we know many of the folks who have been here awhile. It is fun to meet new ones though, get acquainted, and develop relationships.

Friday was our first afternoon of Busy Bees sewing – it was really just a day for talking, trying to figure out the schedule for the year, and just getting reacquainted again. I actually did get something accomplished - starting cutting out a log cabin quilt - also have a rag quilt and a Western Trails quilt in the process. Finding a few hours to relax and sew is a process, but I do try to make the time for it. I also go to aquasize in the morning, (a water exercise program), but the heater in the pool is on the fritz - it has been a week now. sure hope it gets fixed soon or we will have to stretch some muscles all over again.
So many God driven events has seemed to have taken place this this past week. It is amazing to see where He has His hand in the organization and bringing together all the loose ends to make a miraculous event happen. Hopefully I will be able to reveal some of them in the near future.
God revealed many things to His followers through parables. Some of the parables He just shared with His disciples only - these were His final parables before His death. We all seem to procrastinate at times - some of us do it all the time almost as a way of life.  I tend to do it when I think a project seems to daunting - then I wind up behind the proverbial eight ball. When I finally get going I realize that it was niot so bad at all and I should have just jumped in and done it earlier. We procrastinate only when we have a due date. What if you do not have a due date?? Then the project seems to be not such a bug deal after all. We do not know the day or hour when Jesus returns so we do not have to procrastinate. We all have the same opportunity to follow Jesus. We all have time to prepare ourselves for that final judgment day but not all of us are prepared. We cannot prepare anyone else, make them believe in God - they have to do that themselves. We can help them through spiritual encouragement but only they can say they are ready. All they have to do is accept the gift from God. We have all the knowledge to accept Jesus, we just need to be prepared and use the tools of knowledge. Remember, Jesus may not come Buck when expected, but may come back  unexpected. God expects us to be ready. Are you ready?

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