Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mid-week Blog

Well, this is day 3 of trying to publish my blog – BlogSpot is really being picky this week.  Prays are needed.

The thanksgiving distribution planned for yesterday not happen as our lady, Ida, who organized it all was home sick with the flu. A least I was able to get all the clothes sorted for next time, rescheduled for next Monday. I really wanted to be ready, as we received many coats, jackets, and sweatshirts just in time fir the colder weather which is bound to arrive.

Back at Aquasise as the heater in the pool is finally repaired. It has been almost 4 weeks, so it was just like starting over again. I was a bit stiff and sore for a few hours yesterday, but all is well. Just needed to loosen up a few more muscles.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day dinner -including a delicious boudain jambalaya dish.  Last year at this time Fred was in a walking cast after breaking his leg – what a difference this year. We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We called Sol, our little friend in the colonias (who is in 7th grade) and when asked about her Thanksgiving, so replied it was ok – we really do not realize how blessed we are – we have a roof over our head, good food to eat, electricity, all the hot water we want for our shower (not just a few sputters of cold water to shower with). All of these things we take for granted are luxuries in the colonias here in the Valley, as well as throughout the whole country.  Our hearts break because we cannot help them all – so will do it one at a time.

We are so thankful for al of the bountiful fruit available here in the Valley at such reasonable prices. Love the fresh pineapple, grapefruit, cantaloupe and even the tiny bananas. These small relatives of the larger ones are so good – sort of taste like a banana yet a bit different.
delicious fresh fruit

tiny, tasty bananas

It is the 45th anniversary of our park here in S Texas and a lot of great celebrations are planned. So many that it would be impossible to attend them all – why, there are 3 meals planned for one day!!  We will probably not attend them all – a person has to buy a ticket which wi allow them to attend all the entertainment, dances, meals, and special events, but we chose not to do so and will just enjoy the parade and a few other festivities.

We attended church last Sunday at Mission Bell church with Pastor Ji and Shirley Maxson (they come to our park and teach a Bible study on Wednesday nights). Jim is a down to earth great minister who is very honest about his walk with the Lord. Originally, they wanted to be on the mission, but because God’s sense of humor, they wound up at Mission Bell RV Park in Mission, Texas. Prayers answered, but not as they planned. Jim presented us the question, “Who is Jesus to you?” which is really an important vital issue. Knowing the answer to this question will determine where you spend eternity. In Biblical times, people thought Jesus was John the Baptist reincarnated, or Elijah the prophet, or one of the other prophets, certainly not the Messiah. Some even thought He was the devil, just a plain carpenter, or even only the son of Joseph. Even His family (including His brothers) did not believe in Him because He did not do works in His own hometown. Today, the Jehovah Witness believe Jesus is the archangel, the human begotten son of God. The Mormons believe He is Lucifer, the older brother of James.  They believe He was married and had many wives. Islam believes He is just an idol, a prophet, but not God. The Hindu believe He is one of many gods. We believe He was born of virgin birth, the Son of God, our Savior. He is the Christ, part of the Trinity, was always there from the beginning. He is the Lamb of God, the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the good Shepherd the God of Resurrection and Life. He is someone we need to make a decision about.  He Himself say “I am”.

Who is He to you – are you saved?

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