Sunday, September 10, 2017

Harvey, Irma, and Jose

It seems that all we have heard for the past couple of weeks is the threat and devastation of the tornados, fires, and earthquakes throughout the world. Harvey was horrific, Irma is even worse, now we are watching out for Jose. Do you wonder why all of this is taking place right now – and how God is making this happen?? God doesn’t make this happen – but He does allow it.

An amazing thing happened this week – so totally unexpected yet actually the exact results of all of our ministry work. We are so blessed to have donations of beans and rice – thousands of pounds over the course of a year. We usually bag them up to be distributed once a month to the colonias – not every week as sometimes there is a shortage, so we store the surplus for the lean times. This past week, a lady was going to Houston with as much as she could pack in her vehicle to help out those who were devastated. Some of surplus of bean, rice, and canned goods that were destined eventually for the colonias was quickly and generously donated to her for the relief of those in Houston. The folks in the colonias have very little, sometimes not enough to feed their families all week, yet they donated a portion of their blessings to those in need!! This is what our ministry is all about – showing others the Christian way of life – the way to follow Jesus direction. I am so proud of the residents of the Alton colonias. Thank you, God, for allowing us to be a part of this ministry for You.

Thankfully we received a lot of much needed rain this week – the result of the hurricanes skirting their way round us.  The grass is greening up, even the birds seem to love it as they are singing every morning (sometime waking me up). The hummingbirds must be making their trek to Mexico, as they are attacking our feeder which needs filing almost every day. We love to see them as they fill up and refuel before their continued pilgrimage.

The gas problem is really crazy here – prices range from $2.39 to $2.59 and many stations are out of gas Somehow a rumor was spread that there was going to be a gas shortage in the area which then produced a panic and everyone rushed to fill up. What they did not realize was the fact that they themselves were causing the shortage!! Announcements were made on social media, television and the newspaper that there was no shortage but to no avail. Luckily, we are able to find the least expensive gas (the brand we always use) at most of the stations we go to – sometimes we have to search but so far all is well. Sometimes folks are their own worst enemies.

Today’s sermon was a continuation of last week’s Christians Under Construction. We always know where we stand with Jesus. He requests our presence daily with Him. His invitation to us is “Come and See”. Just as He told the disciples to follow Him – to come and see what He was all about, so He invites us to do the same. His question is what are you looking for?? Whatever it is, He can provide the answers. Come and see – rise and follow Hm. What a simple invitation.  It is easy to answer the question are you a Christian, but are you a disciple? We need to follow who Jesus really is and not what we perceive Him to be.  Push out into deep waters. Just as He told the disciples to go out to deep waters and let down their nets even though they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They did as they were told and filled their boats and strained their nets with the amount of fish they caught. Are you frustrated with your faith? Pray, read His Word and step out in faith. That is where we will find peace – He will give you rest. Accept Jesus’ invitation and discover more in your life. The church is the carrier of the invitation – not the building but the people. The building is only a tool.

Continue to pray for all of those in the path of the recent and coming storms.

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