Sunday, September 17, 2017

Fall is Coming

Whew, what a busy week this was. Wednesday, Betsy (CHI Director) hosted a thank you for the summer volunteers as the winter Texans are starting to filter in to S Texas. It was a really fun time as Betsy seems to come up with really unique ideas for all of us. This time it involved a “road trip” and then a mystery luncheon. We wrote our names on a slip of paper, our favorite color and our hobby. Then we picked names from a hat – that was the person we were supposed to buy a gift for – with only $1 that Betsy gave us. The whole reason for this was to prove that a person could buy a gift for someone in a thrift store. So, we visited Texas Thrift Store, Dollar Tree, and the Antique mall, where CHI has a booth of special antiques items that were donated. I drew Fred’s name, which made it was pretty easy for me. I purchased 4 woodworking books (at 25 cents each) as he loves to do projects. Of course, I had an ulterior motive – maybe there was something that I wanted and he could make it for me.  We then went to eat a Peppers – the very best tomato basil soup I have ever tasted – along with a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant – the chicken salad had grapes, nuts, and apples. A perfect end to a wonderful afternoon.  The gal who had my name gave me a red journal – perfect for the Monday night Fellowship Bible Study at CHI.

Later that day Keith Bostian and Bill Mills from Prairie Grove Christian drove from Arkansas to here with a van load of Pack a Sack food and two boxes of t-shirts for the Caring Hearts ministry. What a blessing. After a quick unloading at Rio Grande Bible Institute storage area, we took them on a tour of the colonias that we serve. As we were driving I told them of sweet Sol (whom I mentioned in earlier blogs) and how because of a rift in the distribution, her mother will not allow her to attend church anymore or take part in the quarterly or weekly distribution (although a neighbor lady brought them to the last distribution for school supplies!). I had given Sol a necklace with the Ichthys (the Christin fish symbol) at one time because she was going through tough times with her family and I wanted to remind her that not only did we love her but so does Jesus. If she ever felt lonely or sad, the necklace would be a remembrance of the love that surrounds her and that God is always with her.  As we drove through the colonias we noticed some of the residents were cleaning up their property, raking, watering, piles of rubbish were gone, etc.  As we neared Sol’s home, we saw her mother, Jessica, watering the grass (what little there was of it) and stopped to say hi and ask about Sol. I had not seen her nor her mother in quite a while. She hugged us and went to get Sol and her sister – was I ever surprised to see that Sol had grown taller – she is now in 7th grade and almost as tall as I am. After lots of hugs, I noticed that she had the necklace on that I gave her!!! We’re hoping that perhaps this meeting had broken the ice and Jessica and her family will return to church and the other activities, as well as taking part in the weekly distribution. God always gives us so much more than we can imagine!

We also received lots of quilts tops which we receive every year from the ladies in Chicago and Louisiana. Marlene is a lady in another park who provides us with these -she travels from Minnesota with her vehicle full for us. What a wonderful gift. Some went to our Helping Hands group and some are going to the colonias where the ladies are learning to sew and quilt. It seems as if the blessings are endless. Fred and I are awed every week at the surprises He has in store for us.

It is really scary with all of the information that has been hacked from the internet. But did you know that Someone knows everything about you? Every piece of infrmantion, even your innermost thoughts. Of course, that is God who knew you before you were even born. He knows all about you – even more than you know yourself – He knows us inside and out. If you are planning to build something, you need to get your blueprints in order before you pour the concrete! In other words, get you ducks in row. Mine are not always in a row but at least they are in the same pond.  We are God’s designs and He is the divine architect. Our blueprints for life are in the Bible, from which we are supposed to build our lives.  God develops the very best plan for our lives, which do not always work out. “and we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose”. Romans 8:28. Everything does not happen for a reason- it just happens – hurricanes, fires, divorces, death, financial situations. God can redeem our situation and make it good. Our birth nor our death was not an accident – it was God planned. As I told Sol, God is always with us.

This morning as we read our morning devotion on gossip, it brought to mind how gossip can really hurt others – why do we want to be the first to tell a really juicy story about someone??? Gossip can ruin a life, marriage, a career, even a life. Please think before you speak, do not speak ill of others, and do not spread gossip, which for the most part is not the truth anyway. Have a blessed week.

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