No, this is not the last blog for me, but the last of many activities in the Valley for Winter Texans. Some of our chaplains are leaving soon, some have had their last service, some will be next week, and perhaps a few will still be here. We had our last chaplain meeting yesterday at Golden Corral in Harlingen - a time to say good-bye to our chaplains as they finsh their duties here in the Valley and head on out to their summer duties - some to serve in other areas, some to just vacation and visit family and friends, others to travel. We now look forward to next fall when they all retuen for training in October, along with all of our new chaplains. We have acquired two new parks in the Valley, so are looking for chaplains. If you know someone dedicated to the Lord, wanting to serve in an RV chaplain capacity, go to, and fill out the interest form. We would be so happy to have you join our organization.
Vicki Troutman - Board Secretary reminding us to "turn in your end of the month reports, please". |
final instructions to chaplains |
more of our chaplains |
listening intently |
my favorite thing at Golden Corral - jalapeno cornbread |
Texas regional manager Lee Tracy and wife Grace wishing all safe travels as he ends the meeting
Still raining off and on - lots of flooding in other nearby areas, but none here right now. We definetley need the rain, but the flooding is not really necessary.
Park activities are winding down - seems as if 6 or 8 folks leave every day, but that is to be expected this time of year. We will be really interested in next season, as many new things are promised as far as activities and park functions are concerned. We do not attend very many of them, as we are quite busy with Caring Hearts Ministry. As I previously stated, we are going to miss all of our winter friends, but it does come a time for them to all head back home so we can relax for the summer. As many leave, they clean out their closets and cupboards and Caring Hearts Ministry receives clothing and food donations - which are all greatly appreciated
We attended church with Jim Maxson preaching this morning (next week is their last service) as he impressed upon us the us importance of communion. We received communion together reminding us of the blood and body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jim's sermon title "The Table"
stresses the fact the Son of God prepared the table for us today, just as we need to prepare ourselves to receive it. I Corinthians 10:16 is the only place in the Bible where the table is referred to as communion which is from the Greek word Kononia which means fellowship or brotherhood - the reason we take communion together. When coming to the table we are joining ourselves in it - becoming on with the Lord. God created man for fellowship with Him, He deserves fellowship with us through communion. We become one with God - the sin debt is paid. God's goal is to bring fellowship with Him, All who are members in Jesus Christ are invited to the fellowship or communion. Therefore, our motives need to be right to receive communion - we need to examine ourselves to be sure we are ready to receive communion. Do not take it lightly.
Ugh - daylight savings time. As an old Indian once said "cutting one foot off a blanket and sewing it to the other end does not make it longer". (I think I mentioned this last year). As we go on into summer, hopefully I will get accustomed to the time change and learn to enjoy the extra sunlight - hope you too, take time to enjoy the sun and all of the wonders God has created for us.
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