Sunday, March 26, 2017

March Heat

We are having very hot weather here already - in the 90's. Certainly not normal for this time of year. We are starting to plan and prepare for our annual trek North to Arkansas and Wisconsin - the weather should be more comfortable there. The Arkansas Crossroads quilt (a wedding present for oldest daughter Chandra) is almost done - just need to add a border of red. It came back from the quilter on Friday so I should have it done this week. I also have a set of place mats I made that are ready to quilt, which I will do myself as they are small. I am working on the baby quilt for our new great grandson due in June (if he cooperates, we will see him when we get to Wisconsin). God has been so good to allow me some periods of time so I can works on these projects. I did have another project which is completed thanks to Fred. Our daughters gave me a house plant two years ago which has grown wild. I decided that I needed to make a trellis for it to climb on. A friend gave me an old metal trellis which I used steel wool on to clean it up, then Fred spray painted it black and we figured out how to attach it to a TV tray so that it could get the exact sunlight and be able to climb wherever it wanted to. (Guess I have been watching too much Flea Market Flip!!). It does look great though.
now my plant can travel wherever it wants to

Arkansas Crossroads quilt - (looks like there was something on the camera lens)

place mats - love the colors

I can tell that it the end of season here in S Texas, as our Texas room is filling up with donations from those Winter Texans heading back home. Lots of non-perishables as they clean out their cupboards, some refrigerator and freezer food, some folks have sold  or bought trailers so are donating all the extras (clothes, linens, kitchenware, etc). There is going to be a big distribution in the colonias in April, so these items are so very much needed. We thank God for the generosity of these folks and for our ability to be able to house these items. Most of them are going out tomorrow to be readied for the distribution, the rice beans are going to be stored and saved for when we are gone for 2 months. Plans are in the process to build the storage building in the colonias so that all items can be stored there without handling them so many times. Please pray that all of this comes together before the end of April.

bags of clothing and linens, boxes of non-perishable foods - someone even donated bottles of coke. The boxes on the right are full of bags of beans and rice.

pails of beans and rice, waiting to be bagged and sent to the storage area.

We attended church services this 4th week of Lent with friend, Opal. Miss Opal is a full-time resident here in the park recently moved last August from South Carolina. She is an amazing lady who used to teach sewing/quilting for the Community College for over 20 years for mostly senior citizens. She had not quilted for years, as she spent 22 years caring for her husband. After he passed away, her sister, who lives here in the park, acquired a home for her here. After we met her, we became instant friends. She is so full of energy now, so glad to get back to her projects, and always gives thanks to God for everything He provides. She faithfully helps Fred bag beans and rice, and is going to start helping me volunteer on Mondays at Children's Haven Thrift Store. My goal is to find someone to be able to take Miss Opal to church on Sundays when we are gone, as her sister is now on vacation and Miss Opal does not drive. We need to find someone who would  make that commitment for 2 months until we return. Please keep this request in your prayers. This morning's sermon revolved around the "Costly Nails" - the real price of the nails in Jesus' hands. The nails were actually the tools of torture. Jesus had to stretch out His hands in order to have the nails driven into them, a horrible thought. Outstretched hands can mean a lot of things: more please, wanting a hug, even as lending a hand. Open hands often mean "I want". Most of the time when someone holds out their hands to us, we want to turn away, afraid to take the risk. When Christ opened His hands to receive the nails, He did so not for His benefit, but for ours. We need to understand what was offered to us: the offer of love, actual sacrificial love. Sacrificial love is dying for one another - would you lay down your life for your brother?? Jesus did so - over 2000 years ago for our redemption. Jesus was standing in for us as His pain was our redemption. In John 20:24-29, Thomas did not believe until he saw the holes in Jesus' hands. He then believed by faith. The source of our faith also come from Jesus. Everything we believe comes from the open hands of Jesus because He paid the cost of our belief.

As spring evolves into summer. remember to be thankful for the warm days, the days of more light and leisure, the opportunity to show love to our brothers through our actions, and to give God the glory for the seasons.

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