Sunday, April 3, 2016

Quiet Sunday????

We thought today would be a nice quiet day - church, visiting a friend at a rehab, a stop at Starbucks, make mock potato salad (made with cauliflower instead of potatoes) and coleslaw for our last Bible study at CHI tomorrow night. WRONG!!!!! On our way home, Fred decided to visit Little Caesar's dumpster for boxes (they have nice clean, perfect boxes for gallon size bags of rice and beans for our food ministry). We came home with about 15 "perfect boxes"  which became piled on our davenport in the Texas room - I cannot see over the top! Pretty soon the doorbell rang (we have "The Yellow Rose of Texas as a chime) - a resident in the park had a moving sale yesterday and wanted us to pick up the leftovers for Children's Haven resale store. Made a trip over to their place and discovered we needed the CHI van for larger items. Made a phone call to CHI to get a van, called a friend for help with the huge davenport, chair, and table. The van arrived, was loaded in a short time - so far all is good. Finished the salads and checked my e-mail. Years ago we built a cordwood house in North Central Wisconsin with the help of our 4 daughters and friends. Well, it showed up on the facebook page of the author of the book we used for a guideline (see Cordwood Construction on facebook, March 17 posting - that was the house we built). The following picture is the house today - no - that is not my picture on the wall!!And so I continue this blog.
 not my style of pictures or furniture - we were more back to earth type then
 it was a job building all those walls
the outside of our former house on a hill in Ringle, WI
A few residents are still here in the park - some are staying until next week before they leave for the colder North. I have inherited a few flowers, as well as becoming the overseer of the neighbor's tomato plants. There are huge tomatoes on the vines - green yet, as well as lots of smaller ones. We still have Wednesday meetings, but they are just social get togethers for us. *It is now 2 hours later - a neighbor came to visit, then a resident brought canned goods as they are leaving to head home and dropped off the extra canned goods that did not want to leave for the summer. Another busy day.
Sometimes we have a bit of bread donated which I feed to the ever hungry sparrows. Even the hummingbirds are back, feeding at the feeder with a frenzy. the Easter lilies are not yet quite opened, the Amaryllis are blooming and even my cacti are budding. Summer is here!
 my amaryllis will have 4 blossoms - a gift last year from Ali Artherholt
 my Easter lilies from only one bulb - not ready to blossom yet
 this little sparrow was waiting for me to leave so he could grab some bread crumbs
but these two could not care less that I was there
We attended a different church this morning - a contemporary service much like our home church in Arkansas,  Next week there is an "Inside Out Sunday", similar to our "Day of Serve"  in Arkansas. We are planning to sign up to hand out water at the busy bus depot in McAllen. We loved the church service - communion this morning with actual bread and juice, a good sermon by a young pastor who is in training - soon to be ordained next year. His sermon was based on the fact that even though Resurrection Sunday is passed, Easter is a way of life everyday. The Easter party has come and gone - no more Easter lilies, bunnies, or eggs. But remember that Easter comes for someone every day - someone who comes to understand the Resurrection. Easter is never over - live in the joy of the risen Savior always. He has risen and the party is not over.
Have an amazing week in the Lord - do a random act of kindness every day this week - doesn't that make you feel great inside??

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