Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

Since Easter is so early this year, the Easter lilies are not blooming, but just the same , He is Risen!!!! We had an amazing church service this morning - 173 in attendance. Our substitute chaplain brought some folks from his park, and others from our park that do not normally attend church were there. We had to set up more chairs, we ran out of bulletins (only 88 last week - we had no idea so many would be here). As it was communion Sunday, the church board hurriedly fixed more cups and bread. Praise God, what a blessing.

Many residents left last week, this week more are leaving, Soon our park will be almost empty - just those of us who are here longer. It was really nice to have a few hours of "nothing to do". There is always something to do, but to be able to not feel not pressured for a bit of time is refreshing. We are busy with our food and clothing ministries - the lady who helps us in the colonias just informed us they took on a new colonia. Just as we were wondering how we would be able to help fill the need there, a divine appointment Fred had put us in contact with a gentleman who is able to provide us with mattresses, food, and clothing, exactly what the new colonia needs. Isn't God great????

It is almost a year since Fred and I decided that we needed to loose some added tonnage (last year at Easter time). To date he has lost 85# and I have lost 50#. This is the day we celebrate - a trip with friends to Baskin Robbins this afternoon!!!!!! It has been a long journey, but not a difficult one. We still have a bit more to go - but with a little willpower and help from our Father, we will make it. Luckily, we volunteer at the thrift shop for CHI - we often take in larger clothing items and take home smaller sizes!!! That is really the fun part - a continuous change of wardrobe at a very small price.

We are starting to make plans for our annual trip home to Arkansas and then Wisconsin. Although with the list of those we want to visit, it is getting to be a challenge to work in doctor appointments, etc. I promise to take lots of pictures of our travels (I have been pretty lax in the picture taking department lately).

This was our last service here at the park for the season. I mentioned last week that our church was split and under stack from Satan - please keep us in your prayers that healing will take place over the summer, all of the hurts and wounds will be mended through the hand of God, and that The Church @ Alamo Rec Veh Park will emerge stronger than ever. Pray for our church board and management.

Pastor Jim Maxson reminded us of all the things that cause us to be distracted from praising Jesus. When Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and found it empty, she stooped down, looked in, and saw that Jesus was gone. Thinking someone had taken His body away, she was overwhelmed with grief. She then noticed a figure there and immediately thought it was the gardener until He spoke to her. She was so distracted with grief that she failed to notice Jesus' presence. Do we fail to see Jesus in times of grief or other trials???? I know this has happened to me often in the past few months as the split and turmoil in our church escalated. I forgot to give up and give God. I gave it to Him, but then I took it back again. It s harder to trust and live by faith if we let things distract us from the love and protection of our Lord. We need to wipe the tears from our eyes so we can clearly see what God has planned for us. Noah, Abraham, Moses, even the Israelites did everything by faith. Noah built an ark when he did not know what even rain or floods were, Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son, Moses led his people out of Israel when he did not know where he was even going, and the Israelites marched around Jericho for seven days, wondering how that would win the battle for them. Leave everything with God and live by faith. He is in control.

Happy Easter to everyone, a day of new beginnings, a bright future and time to forget the past and look to a bright and wonderful coming of days in the Lord. And don't eat too many Peeps or chocolate bunnies. It's not about the bunnies, it is about the lamb.

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