Have you ever had a mushroom day? You know, one of those days when you start something, which leads to an infinity of other things because of the original project?? Well, it has been a week of that for us. We wanted to re-paint the bathroom, sooooooooo, we had had to remove the wall paper border that was there. I proceeded to take it off - wow - it came off so easily. Whoops - the paper backing is still on the wall. OK, now soak it and scrape that off - oh dear - look at the tops of the medicine cabinets - they are really dirty. OK, need to wash those. Might as well wash and clean out the cabinets while I am at it. Oh, yeah, the closet needs to be cleaned out too. Wash the light fixture, also - take down the light globes and wash them. Sunday is here and I still need to scrape off the rest of the wall paper backing.
I needed something out of the cupboard above the refrigerator, so Fred went to get it and dropped something else behind the fridge. Pull out the fridge, retrieve the object - yuk, the floor behind the fridge needs to be swept out. Also needs to be mopped - wall is dirty, wash that, also scrub the side of the fridge. It seems to go on forever. It reminds me of the spring and fall housekeeping we used to do years ago - scrub down walls and windows, liquid gold the paneled walls, move furniture, dust, dust, and more dust. Vacuum the floors, mop, scrub, and wax others, flip the mattresses, wash blankets, clean cupboards and wash all the dishes, etc, etc, etc. There are many times in our lives that our spiritual house needs a complete housecleaning, too. Are we too busy seeing others dirt that we forget to sweep in front of our houses first? The Word of God helps to cleanse us. "You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you". John 15:3 If we remain in God's word our house will remain clean.
This week was another big sale at Children's Haven - $1 for every item in the special sale room. We worked Friday morning (after we distributed produce for the food ministry) and were surprised at the many people who bought boxes of items!! It was a fun morning, as everyone was in a great shopping mood. As I bag (or box) the items sold, I tuck in a daily devotional in every bog or box. Luckily, we have them in both English and Spanish so everyone gets at least one copy. These devotionals are full of wonderful thoughts and prayers - hopefully we can touch some one with some thing they have read.
these are one lady's purchases |
this lady kept asking for my opinion of everything she wanted to purchase - I was honest with her and she discarded a few items |
lots of shoppers |
will this fit |
no shopping carts - the shoulders work just fine
After working all morning, we drove to Lazy Palms Ranch and picked up a huge van load of items for the resale store. Many of these items came from a resident there whose mother just passed away - as well as a few donations from other park residents. I explained the there is a three fold blessing on donations - those who donate are blessed for their generosity, those who purchase are blessed because they can purchase nice as new items to fit their budget, and the money that is generated from the sales is used for the refuge in Mexico. God is involved in all of this, What a great God we serve!!!
looks jumbled, but there is a treasure trove of things here - including a hide a bed love seat!
We then had to travel back to Lazy Palms the next day for a nice visit with Marlene (it was her mother who passed away) who provided us with about 250 quilt tops and backs, as well as other fabric to keep the quilters busy here at the park. Again, God seems to always provide for us so we can provide for others!
tubs full of quilt tops and backs as well as one full of fabric
Marlene, who spearheads the project - she is a retired service person with an amazing career
Pastor Israel was back this morning, after a few days of extreme vertigo and a trip to visit their newly married daughter in Missouri. He finished his series with the last piece of armor that God gives us for protection from the evil ones - the sword of the spirit. A soldier must have his complete armor in order to be fully prepared to fight the enemy, just as we need to be fully armored to be complete in God. The sword of the spirit is the Word of God. "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God". Ephesians 6:17. The word take means to receive, We need to recognize that the Word of God comes from God!! Receive the Word of God because God has given it to us for a purpose - that purpose is to use it because it is powerful. Jesus showed us how to use His Word through Scripture - that His Word has priority over our physical nature, it is true because God cannot lie, and it is full of God's power. Read Matthew 4:1-11.
Please remember all of those who need our prayers for physical healing or for God's will to be done. Add these people to your prayer list this week, as most will have decisions to make - Marvin, Linda, Sharon, Denise, and Bob.
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