Sunday, September 27, 2015

Goodbye Little Friend

Yesterday was the day that I said goodbye to our little key lime tree. It was so very tiny when we planted it a few years ago. We pruned it every year to keep it from taking over the yard and it just grew back bigger and stronger. Sometimes this is how I feel when God presents me with trials and tribulations. After the initial shock of what I think is a huge catastrophe I realize that God is testing my faith - what was almost impossible for me but was possible with God. A huge catastrophe turned into just a speed bump in my road of life. And I grew back bigger and stronger because of the situation. Not at all like the little lime tree whose roots were yanked from the ground mine became firmer and more entrenched. Many thanks to Bob Ostermaier for the use of his truck and expertise in carefully removing the tree - just as he was pulling it out, a lady from the park walked up to her car just across the street and wanted to back out. After a brief delay he finished the job. We never did find a home for the tree, so it will me made into mulch and returned to the ground to nurture other plants. We plan on planting a deep purple bougainvillea and training it to grow tall into a flowering tree. Another great story there, but will save that for another time.

Bob standing guard while Fred hooks up the chain - the tree has tons of long thorns so Fred was trying to avoid as many as possible by trying to slide under them

hooked up and ready to go

ever so slowly

and here it comes - perhaps because the water table is so high here in the Valley that the roots are not deep - we did water it thoroughly beforehand

out it comes

a really quick job

it did leave a bit of a mess for us to clean up - but that did not take long

I salvaged the only lime and squeezed it in my tea - it was really sweet
The volunteers were treated to a luncheon at Children's Haven on Wednesday. It was a sort of changing of the guard, as the summer people who volunteer in the resale store and others places at CHI end their term of service and others take over - mostly the Winter Texans. We serve there whenever we are here in the Valley, and also as fill ins if someone is unavailable for work. It was a fun time as usual, as we do not often get to see all of the volunteers due to every one's schedule. And of course, no meeting is complete without at least one of Director Betsy Chicon's games. This one was not difficult - she showed pictures of the summer volunteers and we had to name them. The prize was a gift certificate to the resale store. It seems as if whenever we work there, we find some sort of treasure that we cannot live without - right now I am looking for a tiger and a giraffe - wooden if possible - for our newly painted bathroom. I did find an elephant already - at a wonderful bargain price, too.
we each received one of the centerpieces that Betsy made - she saw them on pintrest at 2 for $24.00 - made them at a fraction of the cost with jars from the resale store, foil from the resale store, and inexpensive flowers from Wal-Mart. Come visit us at 400 E. Minnesota in Pharr to see how you can save $$$$$$.
I love this picture that I stole from facebook - it really looks weird, I know. Some may know it immediately, some will know after I tell you it is the Pig Trail in the fall. For the rest of you, it is a road called the Pig Trail through the rugged and forested Boston Mountains region of the Ozark Mountains, which often runs through a tunnel of foliage during spring, summer and fall. Spring wildflowers and brilliant autumn foliage make the route especially popular during those seasons. The route crosses the Mulberry River and the 165-mile Ozark Highlands Trail.  The route goes from  Ark. 23 from the south boundary of the Ozark National Forest to its intersection with Ark. 16 at Brashears. Possible origins of the name “Pig Trail” are many. Near the junction with the Mulberry River, it was not unusual in times past to see roaming pigs, both feral and domesticated, as Ozark farmers once considered the forest as open range for fattening their shoats and hogs. Whether the road was named for these hogs, its resemblance to a curly pig’s tail, UA's Arkansas Razorback Team, or some combination of the three remains uncertain. Many motorcyclists take this route especially at the of this week's Bikes, Blues, and Bar-be-que Fest in Fayetteville.
a bird's eye view of the Pig Trail - don't think I would travel this at night!
Today at Great Oaks Church, Brother Juan Cordero spoke to us about the fact that the church is the army of God - comparing it not to a worldly army was but a spiritual one. The church not being a structure, but one made up of believers. Jesus used the word  "church" for the first time in Matthew 16:18 "and I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church: and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it". God equipped us with all that we need to fight this battle against evil  as some of Pastor Israel's previous sermons pertained to. The Jews were waiting for a king - someone who would lead them in battle against their oppressors - not knowing that the King was not from this world. We need to tell others about Jesus just as He did - being gentle and kind. We, too, need to spread His word and not approach the world with worldly manners - we are to be bold but kind, courageous, not spreading gossip, slander, and not being threatening. We overcome evil with love, joy, and goodness. We need to be respectful for others beliefs, not judging, but gently encouraging them to look also to  other spiritual  views. Christian life is serious business - dealing with lost souls. Do so with tenderness.
A picture of two of my very favorite things - great grand daughters and the Green Bay Packers football team. This is what happens when kids are left at Grandma's for the weekend in Arkansas.
their favorite footwear

almost goodbye September hello October - get out and enjoy God's amazing palette of color. Don't forget to watch the eclipse tonight 9-10 PM. Give God all the praise and glory for His creation.

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