We have an amazing head of maintenance here at the park. Pablo is a very Christian man as well as a friend - always ready to help with anything, especially information and advice. Our park rents out the hall during the summer months for quinceareas, reunions, parties, etc. Pablo's sister-in-law was getting married in the hall last night and we were invited as guests by Pablo. Now this couple is more mature in age (68 & 70) and had their families in attendance. It was a very unique experience - none of the silly games that the younger couples participate in, but a lovely, moving, fun evening. The ceremony in itself was quite brief, followed almost immediately by the dinner - Mexican tacos, charro beans, lots of hot salsa, onions and cilantro, and a baked potato minus the sour cream, all catered in by a family, with the teen-age son in charge of the corn tortillas. His job was to sprinkle them with oil, and slap them on the grill for a few minutes. He seemed to be a lot more interested in chatting away to everyone, much to his father's displeasure! Teenagers are same everywhere I guess! The DJ started soon afterwards, with mostly tejano music and a lot of dancing couples. The steps were definitely strange to us, but fun to watch. Soon afterwards were served mandarin orange wedding cake (the bride's cake) and chocolate cake with chocolate covered strawberries (the groom's cake). Everyone there was so welcoming and pleasant that we felt quite comfortable. It was a great evening, but very different from the Wisconsin weddings that we are used to!
the groom on the right and his best man |
Fred and Pablo |
bride and groom's cake |
the bride and her grandchildren, some of whom came from San Antonia |
being escorted by grandsons |
the ceremony begins |
boots were seen being worn by women and men alike |
do they look nervous |
is this how I do this |
good food - Fred has all that hot stuff on his tacos |
lots of dancing and cowboy hats
We had two wonderful rains this week - even a huge crash of thunder that shook the house in the early morning. The birds sang so loudly after the rain and those crazy bullfrogs were croaking their mating song. The large flocks of blackbirds are here - as one converted Texan (a Winter Texans who has permanently settled in Texas) said this morning, "When the blackbirds are here the Winter Texans are not far behind". The park residents begin to return by the first of October, some even returning earlier. There are a few singles here already - they got bored and came here for fun and excitement. They should have waited a bit - pretty quiet and peaceful here right now.
A powerful message this morning in church - be strong and take courage, based on
2 Chronicles 15:1-15. We need to be strong, not give up in our quest to do what the Lord has commanded us to do. We have to try to not just survive, but thrive also. Pastor Israel gave us other examples of those in the Old testament who, in absolute faith, heard the word of God and did exactly what He told them. He encouraged us to strive to be like them. God chooses the most unlikely to be the most likely. Our fears lead to inaction - put aside those fears, trust in the Lord as He knows our weaknesses. Are you faithful or faithless?
Please pray for those who have lost loved ones this past week. In just the past two days, we were made aware of three such instances. Pray for peace and comfort for the whole family. Let God put everything in perfect order for those left behind, that they may find peace in the knowledge that God is in control.
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