Since it is very hot outside this time of year in S Texas, we spend afternoons indoors, keeping cool. This week we decided to do some fall housekeeping. We started with the bedroom (and are not done yet!). After going through clothes and other items stored in the closet, I began to wonder where all this "stuff" came from. To quote our daughter, Christine, "Mom, get rid of all your stuff so we don't have to". Compassionate, isn't she? After working in the bedroom for two days, I think I can see her point of view. We still have one half of the closet to do, as well as under the bed. Thinking about all this stuff, I began to wonder if we accumulate as much "clutter" in our spiritual life as we do in our earthly life. We forgive, but do we hand it over to God and go on with our lives, or do we continue to hold on to it? We turn our troubles over to Him, but do we still worry and fret?? We pray and ask for answers, and when they don't come fast enough, do we give up praying or even begin to doubt God? When things go terribly wrong do we ask "Why, Lord" instead of accepting God's will and rely on the fact that He will never forsake us? I think I will spend time as I am physically cleaning to do a lot of spiritual cleaning also - not just one week out of the year, but every day of the year. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding".
Proverbs 3:5 I have this verse written a small plaque, in Spanish, hanging over my computer to remind me every day of God's infinite grace.
donation to Great Oaks clothing ministry - this stuff came from our bedroom - where DID I have it stashed?
We had another beautiful moon this last week , but not nearly as beautiful as the Harvest Moons I experienced in Wisconsin in the fall - when the moon seemed to fill the evening sky with it's orange brilliance. Those were amazing Indian Summer days before the cold winter set in. Fall is, and always was, my very favorite time of year.
the eerie light of the moon
and then the clouds moved in
There is a gorgeous tree on the road to church that I always want to photograph, but seem to forget my camera. Today I did get a photo of it, but it is not as beautiful as it has been. Every Sunday morning I look forward to seeing it's blossoms - they always make me smile and stare in wonder at God's majestic creation.
look at the way someone has trained the tree to grow - usually it is exploding with purple flowers
This morning, Pastor Israel honored teachers and students, as many are heading back to school, We held a "back to school drive" for school supplies and backpacks for those who needed them. His wife, Becky, emphasized the anticipation of a new school year and how sometimes that anticipation wears off somewhere along the way. Israel's sermon, "Teach Me your Way", based on Psalm 86:11-13 reminded us of David's devoted trust in the time of trouble. God wants to teach us His way, as we are all teachable. All we have to do is ask God to teach us so we can live life in the love of God. A truly inspirational sermon for teachers, students, and all of us in general.
We were able to pass out the school supplies as well as some produce to those who were in need. It warms our hearts to see the smiles of thanks from those who understand that it is through the love of Jesus Christ that we are able to provide for them.
volunteer teachers helping students with their school supply needs
free produce for those in need, limes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, sweets, tortillas, broccoli, and peppers
Let us pray for all the students, teachers, and even parents as another school year begins, that students are eager to learn, that teachers are willing to help them learn, and for parents to work with teachers and students alike to make this a amazing school year for all. "Now all the glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish more than we might ask or think".
Ephesians 3:20
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