Sunday, April 13, 2014

Flowers and yard sales

This time of year here in S Texas is just bursting with flowers. The most beautiful are the bougainvilleas, especially the deep, deep purple ones. Here in the park, the flowers are blooming everywhere. The people who have left and gone home often leave flowers behind, hoping somehow they will make it through the summer. Most of them don't unless a neighbor waters them.
we will water our next door neighbors flowers - when we are gone, another neighbor will take over

these cacti will not need watering, but will grow over the summer

a huge amaryllis - they come back every year, regardless of the weather

this neighbor was going to being the flowers over to me, but I like them where they are so I can enjoy them when looking out my window - I will faithfully water them.

even the sweet onions are producing - look at the size of this big fellow

There have been yard sales all winter here, mostly only clothes hung on hangers on fences. I do think the people visit the ropa usadas (used clothing warehouses), buy the clothing by the pound, wash the items, and then hang them on fences for a yard sale. I cannot imagine where all the clothing comes from otherwise. I love the attempt of the sellers to advertise their sales. I don't believe they have quite a total grasp on the English language yet. I have seen signs that say, "garage yard", garge sales", "yard", and "sale yard". In the Spanish sentence structure, the adjective follows the noun, so the last one does make sense to them. I am not laughing at them at all - I am sure I would make the same mistakes in new language - I admire their tenacity at learning. God reminds us "do not mistreat an alien or oppress him for you were aliens in Egypt. "  Exodus 22:21. Many of our own relatives were aliens in this great country when they immigrated from other countries to find freedom from oppression.
The youth group at Great Oaks is raising money to attend Congresso (a conference for youth held at Baylor University in Waco, Texas). This Baptist conference offers youth a chance to hear the Word of God in words they can understand and relate to. It also offers the opportunity for some kids, who could not otherwise afford it, the chance to earn the money to attend. These kids can talk to others who are in the same circumstances (poor living conditions, no father figure in the home, poverty, no hope) and realize that they are not alone. It gives them a chance to have hope, to trust in the Lord knowing that He loves them and wants only the best for them. " Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Psalms 3:5-6
The youth had a chicken plate dinner fund raiser. A person could just drive up to the church, and purchase a chicken dinner to go. The kids raised $576 towards their trip. What a blessing! Thereare 17 attending from Great Oaks, so transportation was a problem, as the church has only one van. Another church called and offered extra sets on a bus they had rented (they had 20 seats left). God always seem to come up with a solution to a problem just at the right time!!!!
a delicious chicken dinner - 1/2 chicken, beans, rice, chips, bread, a jalapeno, bread
 and drink for only $6 - what a deal
This week is Holy Week - the last week of Jesus' life here on earth. I remember as a child going to church on Palm Sunday, listening to the sermon, smelling the incense, and receiving a palm frond to reverently take home and place in a prominent place to remind us of the days to come. Good Friday was a special day as most business' were closed from 12 until 3, at which time we attended service at a church (for me it was mass and a time to visit the stations of the cross). It always seemed to cloud up around noon and then clear up shortly after 3. Take time to read the story in Luke (chapter 19, verses 28-40 to hear of the praises the people sang to Jesus). Then read Luke chapters 22 through 24 for the rest of the story. The greatest sacrifice ever just because God loved us so much "that He gave His one and only Son that whoever  believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life". John 3:16


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