Monday, July 18, 2011

A Meadow Wedding

It was our privilege to attend a very moving meadow wedding this Saturday. The bride is the daughter of one of our life group Bible study (small group) and a very Christian young lady. The wedding was in a meadow (yes, a mowed meadow on a very hot July evening).
Direction signs - notice the groom sign!
The theme throughout was sunflowers. The family had planted sunflowers in the field, but because of the extreme heat, none grew, but the country effect was certainly still profound. Guests signed in by inking their finger on a green ink pad,, placing the mark on their wedding tree, and signing their name next to it.
guests sign in
The entire scene was focused on God's wonderful creation and how lucky we are to be a part of it. The guests found their own seating on benches cut from logs, and visited while waiting. We were all supplied with fans to keep cool - on one side was a picture of the couple with a verse from Mark10:8-9.  The other side featured cool redneck jokes to keep us entertained.

mingling guests, cooling fans, natural benches - notice the view in the distance

The bridal procession started in  the lower meadow and wound it's way up to the  natural alter to the sounds of contemporary Christian  music. It was a beautiful, almost mystical experience.

the groom and groomsmen coming up from the lower meadow

followed by the bride's attendants

a serene setting

the bride and her father

isn't she lovely - and look at the sunflowers

 The ceremony itself was very unpretentious as the couple quietly recited their vows to each other while music played.  As the service began, a soft, cool breeze swept through the area for the entire ceremony - perhaps the Holy Spirit giving His consent to this union? The service was God centered with verses from Ephesians.  The couple, Lindsey and David, then took private communion with each other  before being proclaimed husband and wife before the eyes of God and man. They are both very Christian people, raised in Christian homes, with their values focused on God's will for their lives. It was so inspiring to see where God is in their lives and marriage. 
their private communion together

Mr.  and Mrs. David Owen

The newly married couple and attendants then danced ( yes, danced ) for joy back down through the guests and headed to the reception area, which was also on the property - a private home of a family friend. It was an ultra-modern home, with great sweeping areas of stainless steel and aluminum, but still managed to keep the country scheme. The dessert table was covered with dessert provided by our life group, all in clear glass dishes and on pedestals of cut logs - the centerpieces carried out the sunflower theme.

view from the reception area
a portion of the reception area

the dessert table - sweet area

snack area -  for those who like salty

centerpieces - candle veggie cans, rye grass in smaller cans, and of course, sunflowers

The couple left almost immediately for a week cruise and then on to Guatemala where they both teach and minister the word of God. I hope I have not bored you with this wedding, but as you can probably tell, it has touched me so much. To see a Christian couple so involved with God's plan for them, incorporating it into their daily lives is so inspiring. God is alive.

After I got home, I was presented with this beautiful Arkansas sunset - God is alive indeed!


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