Friday, July 8, 2011


 As we come to the close of the July 4th week, I tend to reflect on what freedom really does mean to me. I have the right to choose where I live, how I dress, how I vote. I have the right to protect myself and my family, and the right to worship whenever and wherever I please. Yesterday I had the privilege of praying with a complete stranger - at a laundromat of all places. The new attendant that was there introduced herself as Jennifer, and we chatted a bit as I readied the washer. I noted that she was new and explained that we lived in a 5th wheel for a few months and therefore used this particular facility. I mentioned that my husband and myself were chaplains, when she immediately asked for a prayer request. Her son and nephew are serving in Afghanistan, and she asked for prayers. So right then and there, along with another of her sons, we prayed for their safety as well as their ability to keep close to God in a strange and dangerous county. Could we do this in any other country??? I am not sure - I know that it was the Holy Spirit who gave me the boldness to openly pray.Please pray for these two young men, as well as all of the others who CHOSE to serve for us. This is what the USA is all about. Psalm 33:12 says "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord".  
God bless the USA

As we settle in here in NWA Arkansas and adjust to the high temps, we are again down sizing (I never knew we had so much stuff). I realize that "stuff" is not nearly important as feelings and relationships are. Last night we had a fellowship with a few Christian friends at their new home.A small group, 11 of us in all. Just a cook-out get together to enjoy each other's company and celebrate the new home of one of the couples. It was truly an enjoyable time, as we prayed, talked, laughed, and joked with each other, all of us concerned about the status of the others. We have that right according to our Constitution, and as God's children, we are thankful for that privilege.

Our church here is starting Vacation Bible School this next week - their theme is "Tom and Huck: Discover the Treasure Buried Deep Within". What a wonderful job a decorating and setting the scene they have done !!!!  Pray for the teachers and volunteers, and especially the children attending, that they will come away with a greater understanding of God. I may be helping in some area (perhaps the carnival games on Friday) - I think I will need prayer, too!

PS: I cannot take credit for the photos - I stole them from the internet .

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing doing laundry sometimes brings!! That's what it is all about. It's so important to pray, immediately, instead of patting them on the back and saying, "I'll pray for you." I know you were so blessed, too.
