The weather has been really scary in this part of the country. After we left the Valley and arrived in Joshua, Texas (near Fort Worth) storm warnings started. Canton, Texas (about 60 miles away) was hit hard by a tornado. We and the Gees talked about going to Canton, but because of the warnings, we decided not to. It ia windy and cold here right now. In NW Arkansas (Prairie Grove where we are going) had 7-1/2 inches of rain since Friday. A person could not get in or out of town because of the flooding. Our daughter could not go anywhere as her road is flooded, as many were in the area. We just talked to her and all the water has receded so we should be able to get to her house by tomorrow. Please pray for all of those in the path of the storms - the families of those who lost their lives in Canton, as well as all of those who suffered other loss.
our daughter's road in Arkansas - impassible
We prepared to leave the Valley on Friday after we went to the colonias as the ladies there wanted to give us a little party before we left. It was a brunch type thing, with beans, potatoes fried with eggs, fried cactus with veggies, a small tortilla filled with a meat mixture/and or eggs, Mexican pastry, and a chocolate flan.All of it was delicious - we were presented with a beautiful card from the ladies, signed with personal Scripture verses, and a McDonald's gift card to help us on our way. We did finally get out of Alton by 10:15 and arrived in Joshua about 7:45. The drive was not bad - traffic was slow in spots because of accidents and road construction, but all went well. Before we left the Valley, I checked the turtle eggs - no change at all. I suppose they will hatch while we are gone. I did see a large turtle across the street - wonder if it was the mother checking on her eggs, or perhaps laying more????
Hopefully we will leave here tomorrow and arrive sometime later in Arkansas as we do some visiting along the way. We have enjoyed the time with Roy and Paula Gee - especially seeing their family, including their 2 year old twin great-grand kids - Mac and Mallie. We all attended church this morning - I had forgotten what it was like to have little squirmy ones in church - but they were very good. After church we all went to a Mexican restaurant for a wonderful buffet.
This morning's sermon at Lane Prairie Baptist Chuch asked us the question - what does it take to be Christlike?? You need to lead a risen life. God needs to be first place in your life. Because He is the Lord of everything we have everything. He has commanded us to share the Word with everyone by calling us to be His witnesses. When you talk to any one about Him, all you have to do is tell them what He has done in your life. He will do the rest. We will never reach the world until we leave it because we overcome the world through Jesus. If Jesus is not the Lord of all, He is not the Lord at all. How do you live a risen life??
1) the reminder - when you are saved, you are baptized and raised with Him. But remember, you do not have to be baptized to be saved - it is just through faith that you choose to be baptized.
2) responsibility - seek the eternal things- the things of this world are temporary.
3) resource - Jesus is the resource - He will never disappoint us.
4) reason - our life is hidden in Christ Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ
5) revelation - Christ will come again.
Believe all of these things and you will indeed live a risen life.
Remember this week to pray for those who have lost so much in tragedies and stormy weather.
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