They say good things come in threes. Within the last year, we have had 3 big prayer requests, the first being a trailer to help with the produce for the colonias. Because of the love and support of our home church., Prairie Grove Christian Church, we were able to purchase a simple utility trailer (which Fred is going to modify to fit our needs) that has doubled the number of families we can serve!!! We had been praying for someone to come alongside us to deliver produce to "our people" while we are gone from the Valley for two months. We went over our list of possibilities many times, asking a few we thought would commit to the job, but to no avail. Then, from seemingly no where an amazing man with a heart for missions came into our lives. Nope, we did not know him before this - a complete stranger to us who had heard about us and became curious. After going along with Fred twice, God laid it upon his heart to be our stand-in. Two prayers answered so far. We were also praying for the funding to build a small building in the colonias to store commodities, produce, clothing, etc. so that we would not have to make two trips a day to the colonias. One kind lady in the colonias offered her property to place it on, and the Lord brought folks to us who wanted to donate to the project. We acquired 3/4 of the money for the project, the other 1/4 was supplied by a division the Baptist Association of Texas. This last week, the building was up - not totally completed (needs painting, eventually dry wall, etc.) for all general purposes, it can be used. It was used this last Friday for the first time - praise God. All three prayers answered. This building will also be used for Bible study, sewing and cooking classes - whatever is needed. By placing the building in the colonias, it gives those who live there a sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. They are proud of the building and are looking forward to lending physical labor to complete it.
beginning of construction |
20 x 10 with a porch overhang |
hard at work in the heat of the day |
two windows and a door |
siding on and ready to distribute |
blessing of a trailer |
a bounty of vegetables this day |
everyone takes a part in unloading |
shingles waiting to be put on |
getting ready to fill boxes - look at the wonderful homemade bread |
boxes filled and ready for distribution - 110 for the day |

cactus pads - these are handled very carefully with tongs - to prepare them, they are held with a clothespin, skinned with a very sharp knife and fried - either with vegetables or eggs |
Miss Opal joined us on Friday, as she made this quilt for Ida, as a thanks for her dedication to Caring❤'s Ministry
Miss Opal tries to make friends with the family horse - this is right next to the family home
My amaryllis is blooming again, but the poor Easter lily got lost somewhere in the weeds (I love flowers but hate to weed and/or take care of them). The oregano plant is flourishing, even though I often forget to water it. Even my cactus blooms without my help. Am I committing plant abuse?
even it is growing in a pile of weeds, it is brilliant
the cactus and it's beautiful flower
a large leaf oregano
As this is palm Sunday, we were presented with a fresh palm leaf as we entered church. The palms grow everywhere here, so we got fresh leaves, not the dried ones we used to receive years ago. These were the fronds that were laid at the foot of the Savior just a week before the Lord was crucified.

fresh, green palm leaves
The sermon this Palm Sunday was based on a sin-filled cross. In Jesus' time, the cross was a symbol of death. It was likened to our modern day electric chair. We see the electric chair the same way - as a form of punishment. Why was Jesus destined to die such a barbaric death on a cross that was designed for torture and shame? In the beginning, man sinned by disobeying God. Every opportunity to separate us from God became a reality because the full weight of sin fell on the Lord. But God had a plan to save us from sin. Jesus. He took the full weight of man's sin - the cup He did not want to bear, because His Father could not look upon sin. He no longer was perfect - He was seperated from God for the first time. The full weight of sin died on the cross. It took Jesus' perfection to rid us of our imperfections. In order for the full weight of sin to die, Jesus had to die. Because of this we have hope. Jesus had to die for us to be saved- remember the price that was paid.
I want to take this time to pray for those who are caught up in the trap of drug addition. Everyone of us knows of someone who is lost in the fog of drugs, be it friend or family. That person is not the same person Jesus formed in the womb - the person is a slave to drugs which overtake their whole person. We may think that this is our friend or relative, but it is not. It is the terrible addition of drugs. Please pray today and everyday for those children of God to accept the fact that they can only be healed with treatment and prayer.
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