Yes, it is officially fall. The weather here is about to change, too. Rain (which is desperately needed) is predicted for this coming week with cooler weather to follow. Even though the days are getting shorter it is a very welcome season.
a neighbor's plant sporting fall colors |
This last week at our food distribution we were again blessed with enough food to serve almost 75 folks. We would like to take on another colonia (for a total of 4) but are going to wait as this is the time for the produce to slow down a bit - we want to make sure that we have enough for those who are already depending on it. We had a few new families show up again this last Friday as well as sheep this time. Yep - the sheep arrived in time to try to scavenge the veggies for themselves. After they were herded back to their pen, we filled a box of slightly over-ripe items for them and also for the pig - God sees fit that we can feed even His 4 legged creatures! I love these people who are so very close to the Lord as they accept their station in life with love and praises. There are always wishes of "thank you Jesus, and God bless you" as we just try to do as God instructs us to - to love our neighbor and help to provide for them.
Every once in awhile we see an out of state license plate and a coach or two arriving here in the Valley. Our on-site managers arrived from Illinois for the season, as well as the first of the Winter Texans that we picked up at the airport. Soon we will be overflowing with residents and activities. The park is getting spruced up (floors waxed and shiny, trees and shrubs trimmed, and perhaps some paint in much needed places)
the maintenance crew (Pablo, Mary, and Mary) worked so hard on these floors
The continuing sermon series regarding our distinctness of believers in Jesus Christ asks the question, "how do you know what you know?". We can know something is real because it is measurable, tested, and examined to be real like gravity. We know that if we drop a piece of paper it will fall because of gravity. It won't just float in the air or fly upward - it will fall to the earth because of gravity. It is impossible to understand what has always been. If you see nothing, it is black, but black is something - it is a color. Confused??? So how do we know God, who has always been. There are two ways to know things about God - one is natural revelation - things you can see and touch, such as a new baby or the rising sun. The sun was created by God and not just a huge explosion. It is love for family, friends, loved ones - these things we know without asking. The other way to know God is by divine revelation. We cannot know things about others without asking. You cannot learn only by observation, you must ask. So who do you ask? You ask God, through reading the Bible. You ask questions, and receive the answers from the Bible. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, given to others by Him by moving in their minds, using common people to write His Word. It is His word, written by ordinary humans, but inspired by God. Scripture helps us to be wise, to know what we really know because it is full of God's wisdom. His word is useful for learning, for teaching, but He also used His Word for correction - read all the wisdom and knowledge in Proverbs. We do not like to be corrected - sometimes people feel it is more comfortable to be selfish than to be in God's Word. So He corrects us through Scripture, to be able to help others understand His Word. We need to be equipped to do this - not to change their minds but to try to instruct them in God's Word. That in itself will change their minds. The Bible is the most distinct source of knowledge about God and His plan for humanity.
Are you going to listen to the presidential debates Monday night?? I am not sure if I will - I do want to listen to the candidates, but if it becomes just a name calling, finger pointing session, I do believe I will turn them off. Pray for our upcoming election that God will place the correct person in position to lead our country. And please pray for the ending of the violence, prejudice, and hated that seems to be abound today.
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