Today is certainly a day to reflect on this day 15 years ago when the very worst attack on US soil occurred. Facebook is flooded with pictures reminding us to take the time and pray for the families of all those involved, but please remember to pray for our country. During the days that followed the attack, our country was more united than it ever had been in it's history - today we are move divided than we have ever been. Pray for a returning to God, a spiritual revival. I am truly sickened by the highly paid athletes who feel that it is it their constitutional right to not stand in respect for the National Anthem. Yes, they have a right to express their thoughts but they need to remember that it was not for this great country and the sacrifices of many they would not be allowed to have those rights. How many wounded warriors would jump at the chance to stand up for Americas National Anthem if they have the ability to do so.

this picture says it all- it is because of him that we all have the right to express ourselves, but hopefully in a respectful manner
Our blooming cactus went wild the other day, as there were about 35+ blossoms on it. I was so surprised when I went outside that morning and saw so many of them blooming. We had some errands to run - so I decided that I would take a picture when we returned home. Oh no - the blossoms were already wilted - evidently they only last overnight!!! Still lots of blossoms left, so will try again.
earlier this week at night, just a few blossoms
more blossoms than I can count - notice trailer in the background that because of the love and support from Prairie Grove Christian Church we were able to purchase - Fred is going to build sides and a roof for it
A wonderful lady whose belief in the Lord is unshakable despite all of the physical situations she has had to endure gave me this delicious recipe for pickled eggs. Because of the health reasons, they sold their mobile unit last year and will not be returning to the park. I made the eggs twice already this year, and think of her every time I see make them. Easy to make - equal parts vinegar and sugar (usually one cup each or more depending on size of container). Add sliced onions, sliced jalapenos (I use both fresh and those you buy in a jar or can), sliced red and/or green peppers, banana peppers ( 1 jar, don't add juice yet). Put all in container, if not enough juice to cover, add juice from banana peppers. Let set at least a week - if you can last that long. When all eggs are eaten, you can use the liquid and vegetables once more - I add a few more jalapenos. We bought the great jar from CHI resale store for $2 - what a deal.
one dozen eggs - now to wait a week
We had an amazing distribution in the colonias this week - thanks to having the ability to receive more produce by having the trailer. We also had drink mixes and individual bags of fancy shaped marshmallows for everyone. I brought along 7 boxes of each (total 72 packages of each) to make sure we had enough. The Lord brought more folks than ever before - as usual He provided enough to go around - 84 families fed this week. It was terribly hot but we persevered until all the items were boxed and some were already distributed. As we were preparing the boxes for distribution, we stopped to pray as we always do when I felt a pressure against my leg, thinking at first it was one of the dogs in the area but it seemed too large for that. Whoops, two goats decided to join us, looking for handouts. Their owner tried to herd them back to their pen, but they sure were stubborn. he home where we distribute is in the colonias, looking very much like a colonia home - the electric washing machine is in the yard, filled by the water hose (yes, she washes in cold water) PVC pipe is hooked to the rinse pipe and the water is pumped onto the yard to water it. Clothes are hung on the line to dry. I love these people and their ability to be content in their place in life right now - they are so loving and willing to share whatever they have with us. This week the husband was grilling fish and offered it to us to share, even though they have saved for 2 years to have enough money to fix their truck. Friday was a wonderful day for them, as they were able to pay for the repairs and get their transportation home again.
This morning's sermon was a very powerful one and one that most people do not want to hear about: Sin. Before Pastor Robert began, there was short presentation to the 3rd graders that really was special. The kids were presented with Bibles wrapped in brown paper, which represented the fact that the Bible was indeed an old book. They were asked to remove the brown paper, and discovered another wrapping - this one was the comic section of a newspaper which represented all of the stories in the Bible for them to discover. As they unwrapped the comic section, they discovered another wrapping of gold paper. Gold represents value - the Bible is most valuable because it is God's Word, a gift more precious than any other. The sermon, based on Genesis 3:1-13 seems to be centered on sin and who fault it was - man blamed God because He gave Adam a wife, the wife blamed the snake because he tempted her. But was it the snake's fault or was he just the instrument to allow man to sin? Pastor Robert lit a Styrofoam cup with fire, blew it out, and showed black stain and a hole in the cup. Whose fault was it for the destruction?? Is the fire (sin)? Sin is the potential for destruction, chaos, and disobedience in our lives. The source is not evil (the fire nor the snake were evil) only the potential for evil. When sin hits it leaves destruction (as in the hole in the cup) and the black stain of the sin. Relationships are destroyed because of the hole left by sin: it represents the separation between God and man because of sin. Fire (sin) is the absence of heat (love), the inability to forgive on our part. Praise God for His Son who made forgiveness possible. Sin is really the easiest thing to understand in the Bible: when we understand that sin is the cause of brokenness in the world.
Continue today to remember those who died on 9/11/2001 - those innocents who were just doing their job, as well as those who gave their lives to try to save them all. And please do not ever disrespect our great country.
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