This was Inside Out Sunday at the church we attend in the summer months here in S Texas. Actually, we just started there last week, and got involved in the outreach program. This was the day we serve the community just as our church in Prairie Grove is doing the same. We chose to hand out water at the always busy bus depot in down McAllen. Inside Out is the theme here - to me it means the following God's Word to serve from inside our hearts to those in the surrounding area. . From what I understood, we handed out over 700 bottles of water in about 2 hours - there were 3 stations around the depot. People were surprised to realize that the bottles of water were free and accepted it gratefully. Although the day was not too hot it was a relief for many after a long bus trip or the beginning of a long one. One very angry man was very upset as he felt we were hypocrites - he had asked for help from an area church and was refused. We listened to him as he loudly expressed his opinion then walked away as we aprayed for his anger and asked for softening of his heart.
the shirts we wore which were really inside out! |
blue shirts handing out water |
patiently waiting for the bus with water in hand |
some of the many cases of water to be distributed |
for you - and it is free, just as the living water is
We were so very busy this week with donations of food and produce for the our ministry. We were also blessed with sewing machines, mattresses, and bed frames. When talking with Ida (our colonia contact) and asking if she would be interested in mattresses, she almost cried as she was seeking beds - one family was sleeping on the floor - the dirt floor. The mattresses were brand new, still in their protective plastic coverings. No matter that there were 4 mattresses, and only two bed frames - so much more comfortable than the dirt floor. We stored some of the non-perishables as stock for later this summer when we are not here and drove to the colonia where we provided food for 40 families!!! God is so amazing - When we think we will not have enough, there is always just enough. The produce we received this week was beautiful - cauliflower, red, yellow and orange peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, swiss chard, beautiful roma tomatoes, tortillas, bread, and 6 huge bags of onions. I was really glad to get them delivered as the smell in the vehicle was overpowering.

mattresses - donated as a result of a divine appointment
and frames to keep the bugs away
boxes of donated non-perishable from area parks as well as out own and fresh produce
smelly but oh so wonderful onions
Ida setting out the donated food items - we filled a box of produce, then loaded a plastic bag of food items for each family
Ida directing me
the ladies choosing their boxes of donations
boxes and bags to be distributed - from chips to cookies to baking supplies
everyone pitched in to make this distribution successful -
doesn't this look great - boxes of food for the families
taking their food home
My amaryllis is in full bloom now - all four of the blossoms opened. Our neighbor has the ever so beautiful pink blossoms - a bit rare here in the park, but lovely to look at.
pink and white amaryllis
my own allioop amaryllis (a gift from friend Ali)
The sermon this morning was based on David and Goliath. We all place giants in our lives - the giants of addiction, heath issues, financial situations, relationships to name a few. David gathered 5 stones - just as there are 5 principles in our lives to battle our own giants. God wants us to be victorious today. The first principle (or step) is to visualize and actualize the giants. We need to have a clear vision of the outcome of our actions - not just he lies that Satan puts in out hearts. No "what if or suppose" because there are many outcomes of a situation - we need to visualize the good outcome and not dwell the negative. In golf, you need to "see the shot" - visualize the shot you are going to take and actually see how you are going to get there. Separate fact from fiction - see the complete picture., Have confidence that God can help you if you ask Him to. You own the vision - your goal now is to obtain it. What a wonderful message. David was certain he could overcome the giant - he prepared himself, and went forward.
What is your vision - your goal to succeed??? Visualize it happening, prepare for the outcome, and triumph in the outcome. But do not forget to rely on the Lord.
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