another one of God's mysterious creations
Chaplains Jim and Shirley Maxon attended the planning meeting with the mayor of Donna along with us, for the National Day of Prayer in May. The celebration will be held on May 14 so we had to delay our vacation trip a day or so. We need to make decisions as most of the volunteer work depends on the ability to also speak Spanish. All 4 of us volunteered to man the salvation booth, but definitely need a Spanish speaking person with us. Most of the area people speak English as well, but we want to make sure that no one is not to because of the language barrier.
When we went to Reynosa on Thursday to deliver some items to the refuge we had to cross at the Hildago Bridge and drive through Reynosa, which we had not done in a long time. We usually cross at another bridge closer to the refuge which is less dangerous but much more stringent as to what we can take into Mexico. We crossed with no problem, even getting a green light (we did not have to pull over and be inspected). It was almost like a new experience driving through the city again. we had wanted to see Paty, one of the girls at the refuge that we sponsor, but due to her school schedule and music practice, she would not be home at RIN until 6 that night - too late for us to stay in Reynosa. Perhaps next time - we have missed seeing her for these last couple of months. Belinda our other girl was there, but Thursday was one of her "cold" days - sometimes she is thrilled to see us and is all smiles, other times she almost ignores us. We let her react as she chooses, not forcing her to hug us, but encouraging her with smiles.

cars everywhere - there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it all

city buses - white painted school buses

an abandoned hotel - the artists should channel their talent elsewhere

the canal in Reynosa, where the "coyotes" bring those who want to cross illegally - the coyotes tell them "just swim across and you will be in America". Sorry to say they are still in Mexico with the American border a yet few miles away. Reynosa has a population of 1 million registered residents, but because of the those who want to cross to America, it is about 2-3 million. There are many stranded people along the canal and river, living in squalid conditions.

as usual, gas stations have no prices as all are owned by the government.

huge holes in the road with no warning signs - a person has to be ever vigilant

Papa John's express delivery!!!

confusing streets - cars also drive along on the right, and then all of a sudden, pop up in front of you

a familiar sign

but the Wal-Mart store burned

another of the ,many art figures in Reynosa - this one probably an important Mexican citizen

amid the squalor and horrible roads, beauty prevails

some of the many colored homes that house manufacturing firm workers

indoor flower boxes at RIN

cook Maria with beans, rice, and a delicious meat dish - spicy but good

street entertainers - trying to earn a few pesos

heading to a car to receive a pittance
Today's sermon was so very appropriate in the eyes of the world today. How often do we feel that we deserve more than what we have. We have followed the commandments, been good to our neighbors, helped the poor - so why are we not rich, healthy, and successful??? Lord, why have you not blessed me more? Jacob was a liar and a deceiver. He name even implies that he was expected to cause trouble. Jacob, the younger brother stole from his brother and after not seeing his brother for years, he sent his family, servants, and livestock to meet him while he himself beat it back across the river. He then wrestled all night with an angel (or perhaps it was God), fighting for more blessings from God. Wrestling with God makes us struggle - to fight for what we believe we are entitled to. God allows us to struggle. Wrestling with God changes us just as God wants that to happen. He wants to change our hearts. A friend of ours (who is our age) made a commitment today with another person - she is a Christian and has been for many years, talking to God as if He was right there by her side. She committed herself to a relationship with a man who does not believe in a greater power, doesn't believe in heaven or hell, but respects her right to believe as she chooses. Do you think this is God's plan - to link these two people together so that she can perhaps change his heart??? We never know what God's plan is - but changing hearts is His greatest goal.
Look back over your life and try to see where God's plan has lead you - does everything lead to where you are in your spiritual life right now?? If so, is not God great!!!
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