September is the beginning of the "Ber" months, at least in the Northern part of the country. We lived many years where brrr was a part of our vocabulary. Even here in South Texas when the temperatures drop to 50 degrees or less we often hear "brrr". When our girls were in school and rode the school bus, I can recall the first day of school as they waited in the house, bundled up against the cold, ready to run out when they swathe bus turn the corner headed for them. The water was frozen in the pot holes in the driveway as the scampered for the warmth of the school bus. Here in South Texas, the kids all wear uniforms, no jackets, and bask in the sun's rays. To me, it is not "Ber" but fall colors in the stores, the smell of pumpkin and apple pie, candy corn, peanut butter kisses, and the taste of winter squash. The most warming sight of all this autumn week is the return of prayer in the school - where all of the kids have the right to pray or not to pray, according to the values of which our great country was based.

is there anything more relaxing or beautiful than this
this is what American needs - to turn back to God before it is too late |
never to young to pray even here in South Texas
It has been a laid back last of the summer kind of week. We have been trying to finish up all sorts of unfinished projects - things that have been sitting around just waiting for the right moment to complete. Things like sewing, crocheting ( I have and afghan for one of our daughters that has been 5 years in the making - time to get that one done). Fred is working on the "honey dew" list not only at home, but also for others.
We have been working with the food ministry - this week was very low on produce although we did receive a lot of tortillas. The food pantry donation had a big miscommunication and we did not receive a lot of canned goods - thank God there was quite a bit in reserve. At least there was a huge supply of bakery and bread items - things that keep a body warm. I am always awed over the fact that no matter how much or little there is, it always seems to be enough. Loaves and fishes???
Brother Juan Cordero, an elder at Great Oaks Community Church, gave the message this morning and will continue to do so every last Sunday of the month. It was already planned and decided upon prior to this and certainly fortunate because Pastor Israel has a bad case of vertigo and could not even get out of bed this morning. Juan's
message of Growing in Faith, based on Genesis 35:9-15 outlined how Jacob's faith grew as his name was changed to Israel because he struggled with God and humans and overcame the world. Life before faith in God is often filled with turmoil as we ourselves often struggle with God. Each obstacle we face makes our faith stronger as God grows our faith through trials and blessings. Our faith is a work in progress and we often put conditions on that faith - God, IF you only you let my loved one live, I will go to church every week, God, IF only you save my marriage, I will be a better person, God, IF you let me win the lottery I will show You how humble I can be. How many times have you tries to bargain with God? It is one thing to profess faith, but another to possess it. Everything in our life is according to God's will - we end our journey right where God wants us to.
As we enter yet another week, remember that prayer is the #1 weapon against adversity. Last week I asked for prayer as we were being attacked ( verbally, not physically) because of our dedication to following God's plan in our lives. Prayer does work!!!! This trial made our faith stronger and allowed us to meet yet another onslaught with the assurance that God is with us, not against us. We continue to follow His path and not the path that others think we should.
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